Five tips to Fall Back Into Fitness...

Though it's not the new year, September often feels like the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. It's a new season. The kids are going back to school. The lazy days of summer are over and it's time to get back to your routine. 

We can help! 

We've been having lots of chats with members about their new schedules and goals and the best ways to get there. Interested in learning more? Email us with "personalized plan" to learn more.

If you’re looking to get back on track, then keep reading for five tips to fall back into fitness.

5 Tips to Fall Back into Fitness

Do a time audit

If you feel like you just don’t have enough time to squeeze in self care and exercise, then a time audit is a great place to start. Sometimes you don’t realize where you may be able to save time! Once you do your time audit, map out your calendar each week. Set aside your time for your exercise and add it directly into your calendar so you are more likely to make it happen.

It’s just like a doctor’s appointment you can’t miss!

Be realistic with your goals and start small

Once you make the decision to get back to your fitness routine, it can be tempting to jump in and go all crazy. The last thing you’d want to do is do too much too soon and get too sore or injured. Instead, ease back into your workout routine. Maybe start with just 2-3 times a week in the beginning for four weeks. If you accomplish that goal, then you can update your goal to 3-4 then 4-5.

Make sure to set those SMART goals for success. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.

Set a reminder to check in with your goals

The last letter of SMART goals is T for time bound. Often we set goals and forget to check in with them to see if we even accomplished them. Set a reminder in your calendar or on your phone for 4-6 weeks to see if you accomplished your goal. If you did then it’s a great opportunity to create new goals or adjust the goal you set to be more realistic this time around.

If you do achieve your goals, make sure you reward yourself. A new outfit or a set of bala bands are great rewards!

Book your classes ahead of time

We always recommend booking your classes ahead of time. Imagine if you didn’t have to book your doctor’s appointments ahead of time and you could just show up last minute. How many of us would push it to the side? Make achieving your goals easy on yourself by having your classes right there in your calendar. You’ll get notifications and reminders if you sign up so you are more likely to attend.

Nervous about having to back out last minute and receiving a late fee? We’d rather have you book and you email us to let us know. We can always take you out if something comes up!

Share your goals with an accountability buddy

Do you know that those who share their goals with an accountability buddy are more likely to achieve them than those who don’t? Give yourself a leg up and grab an accountability buddy! Need one? Join our facebook group or come to class. You’ll find many like-minded individuals who are on their fitness journeys and more than willing to offer support and encouragement.

Ready to get started? Connect with us for a personalized plan to go over your goals and your schedule so you achieve the results you want and get back on track.


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