Why It’s Time to Try an Indoor Cycling Class

I have a confession to make.

When we first opened Remix, we did not have indoor cycling bikes.

In fact, I was adamantly against them.

Mary Cate convinced me that cycling would be a perfect addition to the mix.

Though I was still hesitant, I finally gave in.

I’m so glad we added cycling into the mix.

Why was I so against to start?

Well, my experiences with cycling and spin classes at other studios were not great. No one set me up on the bike, so my set up was incorrect and my back ended up hurting during the ride.

I felt lost and unsure with all of the “cycling language.” What’s a quarter turn? What’s position 3? Should my butt be hurting this much?

I even got my spin shoe stuck in the bike at the end of class!

What turned around my perception was our incredible cycle instructors guiding me and becoming trained myself. I realized that cycling is an incredible workout and a great way to increase your endurance and improve your cardiovascular system in a low impact way.

Now it’s your turn!

Why It’s Time to Try an Indoor Cycling Class

Any new fitness class can be intimidating, so it’s understandable that you may feel nervous to walk into an indoor cycling class for the first time. Here are some reasons, you can leave all of those fears at the door when you walk into class.

It’s dark

The beauty of the cycle room is that it’s an experience! The dark lights make it a nice setting to let yourself and your insecurities go. If you’re worried that you’re going to look like you don’t know what you’re doing… no need to worry, no one can see you except the instructor so they can make sure that you are riding safely!

It’s for all levels

I grew to love cycling classes because I love that anyone can do them! There’s a resistance knob that you turn to the right to make it heavier or to the left to make it lighter. No one knows how heavy or light you have your settings to when you are on the bike. It’s all up to you! For your first class, you can start on the lighter side and before you know it, you’ll be turning it up and pushing yourself as you get stronger.

It’s all about the music

There’s nothing quite like closing your eyes during an indoor cycling class and letting the music move you. Music can be a powerful motivator and it’s always exciting to hear what playlists our instructors come up with to push you in class.

Now that you know why you should try an indoor cycling class, here are a few tips for you to get started…

Get to class 15 minutes early

Your bike set up is everything. Trust me. The last thing you want to do is have you seat too low and end up hurting your knees or your back. Cycling is a great low impact workout and perfect for anyone who needs to be gentle on their joints, but it won’t be if you aren’t set up correctly. Fortunately our knowledgeable instructors are able to walk you through set up.

Bonus tip: snap a picture or write down your bike settings so you have them going forward!

Listen up!

One thing we love about our instructors is that they all bring their own unique flair and style to their classes. We have instructors who teach a rhythm ride set to the beat of the music and then other instructors who teach a performance ride focused more on intervals. Try all of our instructors to find out the ride that you like the most! In the beginning of each class, the instructors will let you know what different cues and words will mean and let you know how you should be feeling during the ride.

Don’t be afraid of your resistance

In the beginning, it can be a little scary to turn that knob to the right. I get it!! Don’t be afraid to turn it up though! Unless it’s the very beginning of class or your instructor is having you reset your resistance, you’ll never be at no resistance at all. Even a “flat road” has some resistance on the bike.

You always want to feel in control of the bike. If you’re finding that you’re struggling to find the beat of the song and you’re flying past it, add that resistance!

Talk to your instructors

Lean on your instructors if you have any questions at all. That’s what they are there for! They are there to help guide you, motivate you and help you become strong. Please come up and ask any questions you have before or after class.

Ready to try an Indoor Cycling Class? Fill out this form for more information!


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