How to Find Motivation if You Hate Working Out

This is something that comes up quite a bit when we are talking with new clients interested in trying out Remix.

“But I hate working out. I wish I was like you. You like it!”

In fact, I recently had this discussion with my mom. She was saying that she struggles because there are times when she really doesn’t like it and wishes that she would just learn to love it like I do.

She was totally surprised when I told her that I don’t actually LOVE it at all times. I mean, does anyone love it when they are holding a plank and it’s been over a minute and their abs are on fire? Or, when you’re totally out of breath during a sprint in a spin class?

Most of our Remixers don’t necessarily do it for the feeling they get when they are in the middle of that tough part of class, but the feeling they get after the fact. That satisfaction of knowing that they accomplished something. The pride in knowing that they got through something tough.

That’s the feeling that keeps you going.

That’s the feeling that can become addicting.

Most amazing, incredible things in life take time, take patience, taking getting through those tougher parts. Just ask anyone who went through 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth!

You may still be thinking, “So if even you don’t necessarily enjoy every moment of working out, is there no hope for me?”

The good news? Yes!! There are ways to find motivation even if you hate working out. Keep reading to find out…

How to Find Motivation if You Hate Working Out

Know that you are not alone

Hopefully it was clear above that you aren’t alone. Even fitness instructors have moments and exercises and times that they don’t want to workout. Just the other day, I was really struggling to get motivated to wake up early to take a 7:15 am class on Saturday. When my alarm went off, I laid there for about five minutes going back and forth with myself, “Ah, you can totally just hit the snooze and sleep a little bit longer.”

The thing that got me out of bed? It was knowing that there were people waiting for me to take that class. It was looking forward to meeting up with friends and taking a class I didn’t get to take in awhile. Which brings us to my next point…

Grab a buddy to make it more fun

When you have someone waiting for you, to hold you accountable, it makes it so much more fun. This piece is one of the main factors for why we started Remix in the first place. We loved that big box gyms offered variety, but we had always found that cold and uninviting. Instead, we wanted to create an environment where you could feel motivated, where you’d walk in and people greeted you by your first name and knew things about you.

I look forward to going to classes so I can see people. When I’m home trying to do a workout by myself, there’s no way I’ll push myself as much as I would with a group. It’s an incredible feeling to know that you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.

Find workouts that you enjoy & mix it up!

Here’s the other reason we started Remix. Yes, we loved small boutique studios because they offered that community and connection, but they were lacking in variety. They didn’t offer enough choices, so before we knew it we were sick of doing the same workout over and over again.

The best type of workout is the one you enjoy doing, so find that workout you enjoy even if you have to give some a try more than once. As you get comfortable doing that workout, don’t be afraid to step out of that comfort zone to mix it up and try something new.

Ready to finally find motivation even if you hate working out? Come try a week with us today!!


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