How to Fit Exercise Into a Busy Schedule

We all know we are supposed to workout. It’s good for our bodies and our minds. It can reduce your risk of cancer, improve your sleep, reduce your stress, and more.

Ideally, we’d get our exercise and movement in every day. Of course it’s easier said than done.

Work and kids and events and deadlines often take up our days and we are left wondering where the hours went.

Keep reading for some tips on how to fit exercise into a busy schedule.

How to Fit Exercise Into a Busy Schedule

Set SMART Goals

It’s easy to say we need to exercise more, but actually getting it done can be more of a challenge. When we take the time to write down what we want to do and achieve, it’s easier to follow through.

For example, “I want to exercise more,” is subjective and doesn’t really give you any actual guidelines on how to get it done.

Instead, “I want to workout for at least 3 days a week for the next 4 weeks,” is a concert goal that you can measure.

Put it into action: Schedule time in your day (even just 5 minutes!) to write down one exercise goal that you want to achieve this month. Make sure you add in an end date. Then, schedule a reminder for yourself to check at that end point to see how you did.

Get help

You don’t have to do it alone. There are studies that show that those who have a workout partner are more likely to stick with their exercise routines than those who try to go at it alone.

Grab a friend or family member and see if they’ll hold you accountable.

You can even post on social media or in our facebook accountability group. We also love to connect with Remixers to go over their goals and plans. We will even check in with you to see how you are doing!

Put it into action: Take 2 minutes and send a text or email to a friend who you want to hold you accountable.

Be realistic

You don’t need to do it all. If you aren’t currently exercising, it’s probably not the best idea to jump right into working out 7 days a week. We don’t usually sit kids on a two wheeler bike without them having plenty of practice with training wheels.

Set gradual goals for yourself and be honest with your schedule.

Take a look at your calendar. Have busier days? Make those days the days you aim for more movement throughout the day. Park far away, use the stairs, be sure to pace around your office when you’re on the phone. 2-3 days a week at the gym is a great start! Even 1 day is better than nothing.

Put it into action: Be honest with yourself. Write down barriers that you face to working out and come up with some ways you can overcome those obstacles. Reach out to us for a personalized plan call if you need some guidance!

Give yourself a leg up

Make things easier on yourself. The only reason I show up to the dentist every 6 months is because I make sure to book my appointment while I’m right there in the office.

Put it into action: Struggle to book your classes? Be sure to book your next class while you’re still at the studio. The front desk staff is there to help! Struggle with reminding yourself to set goals for yourself or check in? Set up a personalized call with us and we’ll check in with you to help keep you on track.

Ready to fit exercise into your busy schedule, but need some extra guidance? Grab a personalized plan with us today!


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