Where You Will Be One Year From Now if You Join Remix

Imagine one year from now.

You are feeling healthy, happy, and strong.

You have committed to a routine and have actually stuck with it.

The holidays came and went. You were able to enjoy yourself, but in moderation. You didn’t feel miserable.

You find yourself actually looking forward to going to the gym.

A year ago? You could never have imagined you would be someone who couldn’t go without your workout.

Now, it feels strange if you have to miss.

You’ve met lots of welcoming and supportive people who have goals to be healthy and strong, just like you. Even though you are all at different stages of your fitness journey, you’re all in it together and that makes it so motivating.

You feel good.

You feel energized, capable, and confident.

You love the way your clothes fit you and love that you aren’t so stressed all the time.

You feel happy!!

One year from now, if you join Remix, this can be YOU.

What an awesome fitness group to be a part of! The support is felt from the instructors, owners, and members! I love working out at Remix! Every class makes me feel better! -Kelly

Remix fitness has been amazing! All the instructors are motivating and super encouraging. Having a community to exercise with has made all the difference in my own life. So thankful to have found this gem of a business. -Stefanie

It sounds cheesy to say but Remix has really helped me change my life. It has pushed me to challenge myself and to go out of my comfort zone. The instructors are encouraging and helpful and it really is much more a community than it is just a place to workout. It is a place where everyone is invested in positive change. I can’t say enough good things about this place. -Alexis


The Biggest Mistake You Won’t Want to Make When Starting a New Fitness Routine


How to Set Goals so You Achieve Them This Year