The Biggest Mistake You Won’t Want to Make When Starting a New Fitness Routine

It’s the New Year!

It’s back to your routine or starting a new one. It’s setting new goals and working to achieve them.

So many jump into the new year with both feet and want to get healthy, happy, and strong. We love seeing so many faces in the studio in January because we love supporting those who are looking to improve their physical and mental well being.

If you are new, then listen up. This one is for you!

The Biggest Mistake You Won’t Want to Make When Starting a New Fitness Routine

There are so many different offerings when it comes to fitness these days. From cardio to strength training to yoga, barre, pilates and more, it can be confusing when you are trying to decide the best fitness program for you.

It can be especially tough if you have an all-or-nothing mindset, which many of us do.

January is the time for new beginnings. Many people are feeling bloated and tired after all of the parties and late nights that tend to come with the holiday season.

Many people want to get healthy and feel good NOW.

There’s a reason you’ll see so many headlines that offer quick fixes…

“Lose XXX lbs in JUST 2 Weeks!” “Slim down FAST!”

Yet, the best things in life don’t come easy. If you want to get in shape for LIFE, then what’s the rush?

The biggest mistake you won’t want to make when starting a new fitness routine is jumping in too fast, too soon.

So many people decide that they want to get in shape yesterday, so all they need to do is go hard now. The problem is that doing too much too soon is a sure-fire way to get injured. It’s also hard to sustain.

The moment you back off, you may feel defeated and give up on your fitness routine all together.

When we’re teaching little kids how to ride a bike, we don’t just throw them on and expect them to bike a mile. Instead, we ease into it. We start with training wheels or a balance bike. We give them plenty of practice. We hold onto them at first when they start riding a two-wheeler and eventually we let go.

Gradual progression is the way to go.

If you are new to working out or if you’re getting back into it after a hiatus, ease your way into a new routine. Start off with 1 or 2 classes a week. Set a SMART goal for yourself to do that for a month. Check in with yourself in a month and if you’re feeling good, then add on another day or time or more intensity.

Need some guidance on getting started? We’re here to help! Email [email protected] “fitness consult” and we’re happy to walk you through your goals!


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