Why It’s Important to Celebrate Little Wins

As one of the owners of a fitness studio, I have the privilege of celebrating lots of milestones and achievements with clients and members and staff.

From those hitting 1,000 to 2,000 classes or those fitting into their wedding gowns or being able to do a full push-up on their toes, it’s so heartening to see those results come through for so many.

Though maybe not as “showy,” it’s also wonderful to see so many hit smaller wins as well.

It’s great to see someone come in to their first group fitness class for the very first time. Or, it’s so wonderful to see someone who has struggled with consistency show up to a class a week for three months in a row.

Wins come in all shapes and sizes. No matter the size, they should be celebrated.

I want you to know that everyone is on their own fitness journey. If you’ve ever used your map app on your phone, you know that it always provides you with more than one option to get to your destination.

The beauty of Remix is that we have such a MIX of people in our community.

So, when you see someone who is celebrating a win that may seem out of reach for you (right now), that’s okay. Stay focused on your journey. Your wins may look different, but that doesn’t mean that yours are any less worthy of being celebrated.

When you celebrate your wins- big and small- you get that boost of motivation to keep going.

Need some guidance in reaching your goals or even coming up with goals that are right for you? We’re here to help!! Email [email protected] to set up your fitness consultation today!


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