How You Can Add Stretching into Your Fitness Routine

“I should really stretch more!”

We’ve heard that one more times than we can count! So, what’s the deal with stretching? How important is it? How should I go about doing it? How do I find the time to do it?

Here are all your questions about stretching answered!

How You Can Add Stretching into Your Fitness Routine

Stretching helps with your flexibility which can help increase your range of motion and prevent injuries, especially as we get older. It’s also good since so many of us spend too much time hunched over our computers, phones, and sitting at our desk. Muscles can get tightened from poor posture and stretching can help!

So how often should you stretch?

It’s good to do it at least 2-3 times a week. However, there are many different ways to do it and it definitely doesn’t need to be all or nothing. You don’t need 3 intense yoga or stretching sessions a week if you practice shorter, daily stretches, even as short as 5-10 minutes. It all depends on what works best and feasible for you!

You also want to be careful, as with anything, not to overdo it too! If it’s painful coming out of the stretch, you may have held it too long. Be sure to listen to your body.

How long should I hold a stretch?

For about 15 to 30 seconds.

What about when? Should I be stretching before class?

Instead of static stretches, where you will hold a position or pose for longer periods of time, dynamic stretches are the way to go to start your workout. You want to make sure that your body is warm before you try static stretches to prevent injury, and dynamic stretches are a great way to warm up the body. Cat/cow is an example of a dynamic stretch.

It’s definitely a good idea to practice those static stretches after class or at the end of class when your body is nice and warm and you can ease into the stretches.

Are there any classes I can take that will help with my flexibility?

Try one of our pilates, yoga, or flex classes to help with your flexibility!

Want more guidance on the right stretches for you? Email [email protected] to set up a fitness consultation today!


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