Remix Cycle Class Descriptions

We love to mix it up at Remix. With each instructor you’ll find that they bring their unique style and spin to our cycling classes. You’ll find an incredible smooth ride with our Schwinn Bikes that can accommodate both clip in cycle shoes OR sneakers.

Remix Cycle

We are putting our SPIN on cycling, the Remix way. Feed off the incredible energy in the room with a combination of endurance and strength building intervals. With a mix of fast sprints and heavy climbs all timed to the beat of the music, you’ll be counting down the hours till you’re back in the saddle once again.

Cycle/Arms Remix

We are putting our SPIN on cycling, the Remix way. Feed off the incredible energy in the room with a combination of endurance and strength building intervals. With a mix of fast sprints and heavy climbs all timed to the beat of the music, you’ll be counting down the hours till you’re back in the saddle once again. Our Cycle/Arms combination includes songs on or off the bike with a specific focus on arms.

Cycle/Sculpt Remix

Our Remixed Cycle/Sculpt is the perfect combination. Increase your stamina and your cardiovascular system with the spin portion of the workout then get ready to build muscle with the sculpt piece. You’ll leave class feeling strong with a boost of endorphins.

Cycle/Bootcamp Remix

We are putting our SPIN on cycling, the Remix way. Feed off the incredible energy in the room with a combination of endurance and strength building intervals. With a mix of fast sprints and heavy climbs all timed to the beat of the music, you’ll be counting down the hours till you’re back in the saddle once again. Our Cycle/Bootcamp combination includes songs off the bike with a specific focus on a series of both strength training and cardio full body movements that’ll have you sweating and your muscles burning.