How a Mental Reset Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever been working on a computer or laptop and you have a bunch of things opened and all of a sudden it starts going really slow and freezes up? You may attempt to close some tabs or even push through, but ultimately, what are you going to do?

Reset your computer by hitting restart.

Sometimes our bodies and minds go through the same thing. We’ve got a million and one things going on. We’re overworked and stressed and tired and it may feel like we have a million tabs opened in our brain.

Sometimes we need to just shut it all down and reset so we can gain clarity and achieve our goals.

How a Mental Reset Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

You may be able to do anything you put your mind to, BUT you can’t do everything… at least you can’t do it at the same time, no matter how hard you try.

You may be proud of your multitasking skills, but our minds can only hold so much in there at one time. When we are trying to do everything, we often end up doing nothing well.

Though it’s easy to get caught up in trying.

Sometimes you need to force yourself to acknowledge that you are trying to do too much, reset and really narrow your focus so you have that clarity to achieve your goals. So, how do you go about taking a mental reset?

Get moving

Yes, we own a fitness studio, so we are big believers in movement, however, we aren’t just saying this. There have been countless studies that show the benefits of exercise and movement. In fact, one of the reasons we sometimes throw choreography into some of our classes is to keep your mind focused and busy, so it’s NOT filled with all of the to do’s, stresses and worries.

When you are focused on your breath and your movement and your muscles, you aren’t as caught up in the day to day grind.

Action Item: Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Get moving! Sign up for a class, go for a walk… it’ll clear your mind so you are more focused!

Get connected

Everyone is different and some are more extraverted than others, but we all benefit from social interaction. Humans are social creatures by nature.

There have also been studies that show that those who work out as a group are more likely to push themselves harder and are more motivated than working out by themselves. If you are looking to achieve your goals, grab an accountability partner to help get you there. We have found that when we have members who sign up with a friend or family member, they are more likely to achieve their goals.

Just virtual? That’s okay! Even through virtual it’s a great opportunity to not feel alone when you are working out together as a group.

Action item: Feeling tired and unmotivated? Grab an accountability partner to keep you engaged and moving.

Clear the clutter

Clear the clutter mentally and physically. Sometimes when we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, it’s helpful to take some time clear away the clutter. Physically, you can take some time to organize spaces that you use frequently, like your car or a junk drawer or you living room. Decluttering can be a way to destress.

Mentally, it’s helpful to take a yoga class or practice some meditation. Acknowledge “the clutter” or negative thoughts that take up space in your brain and make room for more meaningful and positive thoughts.

Action item: Take some time to organize or take a yoga class to clear your mind.

If you’re feeling off and ready to get back on track and become your healthiest, strongest self then this FREE reset is for you. Join us in our Facebook Accountability Group LIVE from 12:00-12:30 PM every Tuesday in April. Are you ready for YOUR reset?


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