How to Improve Your Stamina this Summer

Summer is finally here!!

With it comes long days, vacations, backyard gatherings and more.

What else can happen?

The summer slump.

The heat, the long days, vacations and even your kids being home from school can put a damper on your motivation. You may have to dig deep to really push yourself to keep going and hold yourself accountable.

The good news?

We’ve got some tips to improve your stamina this summer and to help keep you active and healthy all summer long.

How to Improve Your Stamina This Summer


First, you want to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. Yes, it’s important to drink water year round, but especially during these summer months as things heat up.

Grab a big, reusable water bottle and keep it with you wherever you go. If you’re not into regular water, add in some cucumbers or fruit to make it more appealing.

Get Plenty of Rest

The days are getting longer so it’s tempting to stay up later than normal. Maintain your bedtime routine by setting alarms for yourself to remind yourself to hit the hay at a reasonable time.

You’ll find yourself more motivated to wake up for those early morning classes if you’ve had plenty of rest the night before.

Grab a buddy

If you’re still having a difficult time waking up early or maintaining your fitness schedule, enlist the help of a friend! There’s nothing more motivating then having someone there waiting for you to show up.

Book a VIP call if you’d like some extra accountability or join our facebook accountability group. We are always happy to help!!

Take some time off

Summer is the perfect time to take a vacation! We all need some time to decompress and reset our minds from our day to day routine. Even though you are taking some time off, you can still maintain your workout routine by focusing on getting movement in the day.

Try something new to keep you active like surfing or hiking or biking outside and you can even take Remix anywhere and grab a virtual class with us.

Set a Goal for yourself & Stick to a Plan

Finally, it’s good to set a goal for yourself to keep you on track throughout the summer. This year for our Summer Mix Challenge, we are asking you to set a goal number of classes you’d like to take each week this summer and whenever you hit that goal, you earn a point.

We also have a new Running Club that we are introducing into the mix if you’re looking to mix it up and step out of your comfort zone!

Ready to improve your stamina and find your mix this summer? We’ve got you covered with our new intro offer!!


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