Three Strategies That'll Help You Become a Morning Person

If you knew me before a couple years ago then you would know that I was NOT a morning person.

Mary Cate convinced me to add 5:15 am classes on the schedule, but the thought of waking up that early was just beyond my comprehension.

I was one of those kids that had to be dragged out of bed before school in the morning.

All that is now in the past!

I am happy to say that I no longer dread waking up before the sun. I am no longer anxious that I’m going to sleep through all seven of the alarms that I have set for myself. So, what’s changed? Keep reading for three strategies that’ll help you become a member person.

Three Strategies That'll Help You Become a Morning Person

Change your mindset

The first step to becoming a morning person is to acknowledge that there’s no such thing as “morning people” or “night owls.” Yes, you may naturally be more active in the morning or evening, but if you put yourself into that box then it’s going to be difficult to get yourself out of it.

If you put that label on yourself that you are not a morning person, then you’re going to struggle with changing your ways.

Anyone can be a morning person if they put their mind to it.

Set Yourself Up for Success

We can have a lot of high hopes in the evening just to wake up and find ourselves pushing ourself aside for some more shuteye.

Use some simple strategies for making waking up in the morning easier.

  • Put your alarm away from your bed so you have to get up to physically shut it off.

  • Lay your workout clothes out and ready to go, so you don’t have to fumble around in the dark trying to get ready.

  • Reward yourself! Give yourself a check mark or sticker whenever you wake up. After 5, give yourself a little reward.

  • Get an accountability partner. It’s easier to wake up and get moving when you don’t want to let someone else down. We are happy to be there for you too!!

  • Sign up for class in advance!!

Focus on Your Evening Routine

The number one thing that has helped me become more of a morning person? My evening routine! I set a reminder on my phone at 8:00 PM at night that reminds me to start winding down, put my phone down, and start getting ready for bed.

I stopped the late night scrolling because I found that it keeps me up. I do slip up from time to time and I always feel it the next day!

Try some meditation apps or soothing music and dim the lights to get your in the right frame of mind to fall asleep.

Need some extra guidance? Email [email protected] “fitness consultation” to set up a time to chat about your goals!


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