Why is Self Care So Important?

February is the month of love! With Valentine’s Day, it’s a month to take time to connect with others and show the special people in your life how much you love them.

It’s also a great opportunity to take the time to show yourself some love. How do you go about showing yourself love?

Self Care

Typically when people picture self care, they think of bubble baths and chocolates and massages. Though those items can definitely be included, it’s more than that.

Self care is all about actively working on bettering your health and wellness.

So, while, yes, that can mean taking some mental health days and breaks if your body and your brain need it. It also means taking those steps to better your health, even if it may feel tough at first.

Why is Self Care So Important?

If you want to feel good. If you want to be your best self. If you want to live a long, healthy life, then self care is a must.

Self care can come in a variety of different ways, and some of us may need to work at different aspects of self care more than others.

Exercise and fitness is a crucial component of self care. Fitness and exercise and movement helps our day to day lives. It helps keep our bones and muscles strong. It helps prevent injury, illness. It’s a good way to keep stress at bay and it’s good for our brain health.

Reflect on your own physical fitness. Are you doing enough? Too much? Are you doing enough of a variety? Remember to ditch that all-or-nothing mindset if you know you need to exercise more. Just start small and gradually increase. Even a little bit of movement is better than nothing.

Your diet is also an important component of self care. Reflect on your diet currently. Are you eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and healthy proteins? Do you need to work on your portion control. Again, the all-or-nothing mindset is not helpful here. Connect with a registered dietitian (Members get a complimentary one-on-one with our registered dietitian Nicole!) and put that focus on all of the good, nutritious foods you can put in your body.

Maybe even make things easier on yourself with meal prep or ordering healthy meals from My Chef that are already freshly made and ready to go for those times your will power is lacking.

What about your sleep? Healthy sleep habits play a huge role in your stress levels and overall well being. Put the phone down earlier in the evening, cut the late night snacking, and ease your body into sleep each night. Exercise can help with this too!

Finally, make sure you are taking the time to connect with others. Humans are social animals. That social connection and interaction is so good for our health, even if you’re a natural introvert. Take the time to connect with your friends and your loved ones. You can even make things efficiently by combining self care components together. Exercise with your family members and friends. Bring them along to Remix!! Or, you can just make connections with others in class.

Ready to work on YOU!? Join us for our Love Yourself Challenge going on all month long.


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