How to Start Something You Actually Finish
As we embark on a new year, many of us are committing to trying new things. Maybe you’d like to learn a new language or you joined Remix (!) or you’d like to learn how to sew.
It can be exciting to start something new! It also can be a challenge.
Have you ever started something just to give up halfway through the project or skill? You’re not alone. Back when I was in high school, I decided that I was going to paint my room. It was so much fun in the beginning, but I quickly realized that it took a lot more work than I had realized. I got bored and tired, and ended up having to beg my mom to help me finish the project.
Fortunately, we learned from our past mistakes and have some tips to pass along that’ll help you not only be able to start, but actually finish whatever project or goal you have in mind this year.
How to Start Something You Actually Finish
Start something you actually enjoy doing.
There are a lot of people who pick up running only to give it up after only a few weeks. Running is a great activity to do for your health. However, if it’s not something you enjoy doing, then it’s not going to serve you very well.
Sometimes people feel like they have to do a particular type of exercise or eat a particular type of food because it’s good for them. Yet, if you don’t enjoy doing that activity or can’t stand that type of food then it’s going to be that much more difficult to maintain.
On the contrary, if you find a type of exercise you enjoy doing then you are going to be so much more motivated to get it done. In fact, you may find that you start to look forward to doing it. It’s why we try to mix it up and make our classes an experience. We want you to actually look forward to coming to class and connecting with fellow Remixers so you keep coming back!
Don’t start it alone.
You know what makes Remix really fun? The community! You’re not all alone doing your workout. Instead, you’re surrounded by like-minded people who are there to support and encourage you.
Those who have a support system to hold them accountable are much more likely to achieve their goals. We see it first hand at Remix. From family members texting each other before a virtual class to make sure that they all show up to other Remixers posting encouraging posts in our Facebook Accountability group to others convincing friends to join them for an in person class, Remixers hold each other accountable.
Ditch the perfectionist mindset.
The other day we were talking with someone who was interested in signing up for classes, but she was hesitant to start right away because she knew that she had to have a procedure done at the end of the month and would have to take a break. She confessed that she likes to go “all in” and would rather be able to do that verse start and then stop.
While it may be tempting to head in the “all in” direction, we suggest ditching that mindset. The problem with the “all in” mindset or the “perfectionist” mindset is that it is nearly impossible to be perfect or to go completely all in. Our lives are constantly busy and things are always going to be disrupting our day. If you wait until the time is absolutely perfect, you’re going to be waiting forever. Furthermore, if you’re trying to get things perfect, then it’s going to be extremely challenging starting anything new.
You have to start at the beginning. You’re not going to be immediately good at whatever it is you’re trying. If you want to learn something new then you’re going to have to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone and realize that you can’t learn anything from “being perfect.”
Be aware of potential obstacles.
A major step to take if you’d like to start something you actually finish is to know yourself. Reflect on your past. Are you someone who typically starts things and doesn’t finish them? Look into the reasons why you end up stopping. Take a look at the common obstacles that pop up in your way to prevent you from finishing what you’ve started.
Once you discover those obstacles that typically stand in your way, come up with a plan to overcome them when they inevitably show up. Prepare for those obstacles and be aware of when you’re falling victim to them.
Give yourself some time to commit to your goal.
This goes back to ditching the perfectionist mindset, but it’s important to remind yourself that things take time. It’s tempting to give up when you don’t immediately succeed at a goal or the moment your task becomes tough. Instead, think about your goal like a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll want to pace yourself.
Instead of going all in right in the beginning and risk becoming burnt out, take your time. Ease into your new activity, task or goal.
Be SMART and track your progress.
This brings up the next tip. Once way you can give yourself ample time to complete your goal is to set SMART goals that you track and finish. SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound. Instead of making a general goal, it’s helpful to have a goal that you can specifically measure and track.
When you can see the end date then you are more likely to finish vs. something more open ended.
Check in with your WHY.
Finally, if you want to start something you actually finish then you’ll want to check in with your why. Why do you want to achieve the goal or start the task in the first place? Are you intrinsically motivated to finish this goal or are you extrinsically? When you are intrinsically motivated then you are more likely to be able to finish. You want to be able to finally get on a regular workout routine? If your reason WHY is to feel better and become healthier and stronger than you are more likely to stay committed to it vs you’re doing it for compliments from others.
Ready to start something you actually finish? Book a VIP call with us and get started with a free week of unlimited classes today.