Why You Shouldn't Wait Until January to Start Your Workout Program

Every year January rolls around and you’ll see lots of people crowded at the gym starting their New Year’s resolutions. We love seeing new faces in the studio no matter what time of year and January is no different.

Yet, we also love seeing new faces in February, in March, in April, all the way through December.

There’s no perfect time to start, and too often, we get it in our head that the timing needs to be perfect and we end of robbing ourselves of valuable time where we could have been making a change and bettering our health.

Why You Shouldn't Wait Until January to Start Your Workout Program

You Don’t Need a Monday to Get Started

If you’re like a lot of people then you may have the tendency to make little “rules” for yourself.

You don’t listen to holiday music until after Thanksgiving.

You can’t start your day without making your bed.

Some of these little rules are really good for us. I think brushing your teeth twice a day is a rule we should all be sure to follow.

Yet, sometimes we are a little too strict with ourselves when it comes to our rules. Sometimes those little rules can hold us back. Sometimes we use those rules as a crutch or an excuse not to step out of our comfort zone.

I’m not an exercise person.

Who told you that? Who made up that rule? Just acknowledging that you are creating these barriers for yourself is a step in the right direction. Once you are aware that you may be setting up those rules for yourself, you are more likely to feel comfortable enough to break them.

Take the Pressure Off Yourself

Another reason you don’t need to wait until January to start your workout program is to take the pressure off yourself. When you wait until January or Monday or some special day to get started, you hype it up in your mind. It becomes this “big event.”

Exercise and taking care of yourself don’t need to be big events.

They just need to be a part of your life, a part of your daily routine.

So often we are waiting around until the “just right” time. We are waiting until we have enough time or until we are in slightly better shape or we aren’t so busy, etc. The problem with waiting around is that life is busy. You’ll always be able to find a reason not to step out of your comfort zone and get started.

Take the pressure off and get started today

What Are You Waiting For?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? What am I waiting for when it comes to my health and self care?

Life is short. Life is busy. There’s not enough time to wait.

Ready to get started? Grab a FREE week of unlimited fitness classes today and get a head start on the New Year!


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