Remix Employee Perks

Free/Discounted Classes

Remix Instructors, Front Desk and Childcare staff receive a free, unlimited membership. 

*Front Desk/Childcare staff members must work 10 HOURS/week to be eligible for free classes (50% off classes is available to those staff members who do not meet these requirements.) 

Discounted Merchandise

All staff members are entitled to a 50% DISCOUNT on all Remix clothing and apparel. On lululemon and My Chef Eats, employees will receive a 25% DISCOUNT.

Referral Program

All staff members are encouraged to refer Remix to their family and friends. Whenever a family member or friend joins Remix as a member, you will receive $50.

Grab a Free Week QR Code!

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Grab this QR Code to save into your phone. Click on the picture and then take a screen shot so you have it in your phone. Whenever you are talking with someone about grabbing a free week, simply show them the QR code. They’ll open it on their phone by clicking their camera icon on their phone and holding it over the code. Then, they’ll enter their information for a free week.