6 Tips for Working Out at Home with Kids

I’ve lost track of how many days we’ve been stuck to our homes and away from the studio to get our workout on. Many of us have had to adjust our entire daily routines. Not only are some of us trying to figure out the best ways to do business at home, but we’re also trying to manage our children’s virtual school schedules or trying to keep a needy toddler distracted. I haven’t even mentioned trying to fit in our exercise routine!

We all know the benefits of maintaining our fitness during a challenging time. Regular exercise is good for our immune system as well as our physical and mental health. So, how do we stay physically active when we are trying to juggle so much? The good news is that you are not alone! We are all trying our best to stay healthy and strong during this crazy time. Thankfully, technology has allowed us to stay connected through our Remix Zoom workouts so we can workout together even while apart.

Although those of us with kids at home may find working out to be tricker than before, we’ve come up with some strategies for maintaining your regular workout routine even while home with your kids. Read on for tips for working out at home with kids plus some more advice from our amazing members!

6 Tips for Working Out at Home with Kids

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  1. Be strategic when timing your workout.

    Have a baby or toddler at home? Schedule your workout during their nap time. Older kids at home? Try to schedule your workout during one of their virtual school sessions or meetings. Fortunately, our workouts are just 45 minutes. We’re moms as well, so we know we have to be efficient with our workouts. Plus, we have lots of different options to join in on one of our live zooms throughout the day! From early morning classes to evening classes, we’ve got you covered. We also have a collection of over 30 recorded classes through Remix On-demand if your baby’s taking FOREVER to go down for a nap (it happens!). Speaking of…

  2. Break it up!

    While we do recommend getting in a 45 minute workout, somedays that’s not in the cards. In addition to our 45 minute classes we have in our on-demand collection, we have a number of shorter workouts as well. You can try your best to take one of our zoom classes. If you get interrupted, you can add a shorter additional workout later on when you get a few minutes to spare. Just because you can’t get an entire 45 minute class in doesn’t mean all is lost. Know that any movement that you can do is better than nothing!

  3. Give your kids some quiet time.

    Depending on the age of your kids, your exercise time may be the perfect time to let them play by themselves. When my first was a baby, I thought I had to be entertaining him at all times, but overtime I have realized that the ability to play by yourself is a great gift. Leave out some of your kids’ favorite toys and just press play. The more you exercise in front of your kids, the more normal it becomes to them. They’ll see that exercise is just a typical part of your daily life. In fact, it may encourage them…

  4. Let your kids join in!

    It’s so nice to see so many kids and their parents working out together on our Remix Zoom classes. It’s a great way for children to get their energy out, plus, it’s a nice way to bond with your kids. Your kids may be having a difficult time, missing their friends, being stuck at home, so connecting with them during class is a healthy way to bring you and your kids closer together. Feel free to turn our workouts into a game with your kids. Who can do the most push-ups? Who can do the fastest jumping jacks (i.e. the answer is always Mary Cate)?

  5. Join in with your kids

    The littlest ones may have a difficult time keeping up with our regular classes, but we fortunately have some options for kids too. Monday and Friday mornings at 11:00 AM we offer a Remix Recess primarily targeted for children ages 3-7 and a Remix Bootcamp targeted for children ages 8-13 on Wednesdays. We’ve also posted some free classes to do with your baby and toddlers on IGTV. Even though these classes are geared towards children, doesn’t mean that you won’t get a sweat on joining in. Your kids will get a kick out of seeing you try to keep up with them! If you have real little ones? Take advantage of the extra weight! You’ve got your very own wiggly dumbbell that you can use during a sculpt workout.

  6. Alternate with your significant other

    Sometimes it’s nice to have some alone time for yourself to get your workout on. Come up with a plan with your significant other so you both can have time to workout by yourself. I always say that I’m a better mom when I get my workout in. Mother’s Day is coming up, so let your significant other know that a workout by yourself is the perfect gift!

Read on for some more tips from are amazing members and exercise videos you can do with your kids!

1. Schedule 3 workouts a day. You get to one of them. 2. Change into workout clothes in the am. You will feel bad taking them off not actually having done any exercise in them. 3. Get active and creative. Today I jumped into kids bootcamp. Some days I’m doing laps around the yard when kids are playing on the swing. 4. Workout first thing. Less excuses and it gives happy endorphins all day.

I try to schedule the first class in the morning while [she] is still asleep. On occasion I’ve had to move my workout to the stairs when she asks for her iPad back 🤣 If I schedule later in the day I either have her work on schoolwork for the next day OR in front of the TV. She joins from time to time 💕

My girls are actually extremely accepting of my workout routine. “Mommy are you working out?” And they usually leave me alone and find something quiet to do, which I appreciate. Although when they join in, I don’t mind because they usually get bored with me in about 3 minutes. It’s fun showing them my hobby. Afterwards they won’t let me hug them because they tell me I’m too sweaty! I find the best way to make sure a workout gets done is to put on your workout clothes first thing! Once they’re on you can’t make excuses to not get it done ✅

I was just going to say scheduling them is SUPER helpful and being in workout clothes at all times of the day!

Usually it’s a zoo in here between the 3 year old waving to the camera and criticizing my burpees and then the dog plopping down in front of the phone to watch.
I’m not going to lie my workout time is usually her screen time for the day so we can equally enjoy it 🙂

I give them both iPad time, but it’s the only iPad time they get during the day so they look forward to it. They are always in the same room that I’m in. I think it’s so important for them to see me working out. It is something I wasn’t exposed to as a child. I really want my kids to know that physical activity is essential. I also put my workout clothes on when I wake up.

We've gotten into a good routine. I work out in the basement, which is currently the kids' play room. My younger one has her 25 minutes of ABC Mouse time on the iPad, then the big kid gets the device back to finish school work he started earlier or play a math game online he likes. When they're not on the device, they're playing, and they both do that well independently.

My kids are encouraging of my workouts. That being said, I try to do them first thing in the morning before the day starts. Sometimes I don’t shower afterwards on my days off to see if I can sneak into another class. They also do the kids classes and see the fun and importance of exercising

I work out now downstairs in my kitchen now so I can keep my eye on them - otherwise they are getting into trouble 🤣 but usually they are playing with Barbies and LOL dolls and such or they try to do the workouts out with me. Sometime I set up all the play dough stuff too. I still get usually asked for things about 15 times during the course of the workout! 

My Workouts are usually mommy time but during this quarantine my kids will join in on occasion which I love.

I will be waiting until my husband is home from work and then will be taking much needed time for me! Really looking forward to it 💙

I put a show on for [him], but you will often see him torturing me on Zoom! Hahah!

Sometimes [she] joins me, and although I think it’s great, I don’t really enjoy it. Working out is “my time!” But, I do think it’s great that she sees me taking care of myself.

Exercises to do with your baby

Hopscotch Exercises you can do with your kids

Animal themed stretches to do with your kids

There are lots of different ways as a parent you can still maintain your fitness. It may be a little more challenging, but we’re all in this together. When in doubt, just press play. You won’t regret it and your kids will get to see that you prioritize your health… they may even join in with you! Happy Mother’s Day out there to all of our Remix Moms. No one’s strong like a Remix mom!


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