Reopening Plan- Ways We Can Workout Safely Together

Can you believe it’s been almost three months since we’ve closed the doors to our studio?

We never could have imagined that we would be faced with such a situation. Though we miss seeing all of your beautiful faces and smiles in person, we are fortunate that here at Remix we know a thing or two about “mixing it up.”

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Thankfully we’ve had the technology to be able to offer classes and connection even while away from each other. It has been incredible to witness the strength and dedication of our Remix community despite all of the many obstacles we currently face.

As we gradually make the transition back to the studio, we want to do so as safely as we can. We’ve been hard at work strategizing ways we can keep our community safe while still providing intense, fun, sweaty workouts that we all love. Read on for a list of guidelines that we are able to take as we transition back to the studio.

Reopening Plan- Ways We Can Workout Safely Together

At Remix, we have always been dedicated to the health and safety of our community. We are in this together and we will get out of this happy, healthy and even safer going forward. Since being home, it has been incredible to see our amazingly supportive community come together to motivate, encourage and and stay strong together. Our goal is to continue to do all that we can to keep you happy, healthy and safe. 

As we work towards getting the go ahead from government officials to reopen, we’ll keep evaluating when would be best to reopen safety. 

In the meantime, we will keep remixing! We will continue to live stream our classes through zoom and upload recorded classes to our collection of on-demand videos. We also plan to start outdoor classes while maintaining social distancing once we enter the yellow phase on June 5th.

Once we do reopen, we will gradually do so to make sure that we protect all of our members, clients and staff. Here are some of the measures that we are able to take in order to ensure the safety of our Remix community. Please note that these measures are subject to change as we receive more information from local authorities.

  • Reduce class sizes- The day before we were mandated to close, we had already started to adjust the numbers in our classes. Fortunately we are small studio, so this is a simple step we can take to offer more space in the class.

  • Spaced out class times in order to ensure ample time to disinfect studio and equipment- Our schedule will look slightly different in the beginning in order to make sure we have plenty of time to disinfect the studio and equipment. We will also be selling equipment bundles for anyone interested in working out with their own equipment. We’ll encourage participants to bring in minimal items (e.g. wallet, keys, phone) and bring a pair of sneakers to change into for studio use. We’ve also upped our disinfect game with a new, top-of-the-line disinfectant sprayer.

  • Marked off floor spaces to ensure proper social distancing- We have taken the steps to measure out and tape off 6 ft spaces so all participants have plenty of room to move. For the spin room, we will use every other bike so there’s plenty of space.

  • Hands free temperature checks for staff and participants- We have a hands free thermometer that is simple to use for regular temperature checks.

  • Hands free hand sanitizer dispensers added- Brand new hands free hand sanitizer dispensers will be added throughout the studio.

  • Towel service eliminated- We are eliminating our towel service for the time being, but we will be selling Remix towels so you can purchase your own to bring to the studio.

  • Temporary closure of Lil’Remix Playroom- Until we receive more details, we will be temporary closing our Lil’Remix playroom. We are offering a Virtual Remix Camp this summer starting in June to keep your little ones active and engaged!

  • Masks and gloves to be worn if recommended- We are paying close attention to the recommendations in regards to the wearing of masks and gloves. If they are recommended by the time we are set to open, we will do so.

  • Outside classes added- Two years ago, before we opened Remix, we did outside popup classes all over! We are excited to be able to bring them back. We have plenty of space right in front of Remix to hold classes. Weather-permitting, we can do a lot outside, including our spin classes!

  • Continuation of virtual schedule- One of the positives to come out of this crazy situation is our virtual classes. We’ve been able to introduce Remix to many whom may have been too far away to participate in our classes in person. We also know that many schedules will be a little up in the air for some time. So, we are continuing our virtual schedule through zoom. We will keep adding to our Remix On Demand collection. We are getting close to 100!

Never have so many of our lives been turned upside down. We want to be a constant in your life. Though we aren’t entirely sure what’s to come in the next few weeks and months, we know one thing for sure… we will continue to mix it up in whatever way we can! Let’s stay strong, connected and healthy while we mix it up together.


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