Do You Have a Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset?

Think back to the last time someone told you you couldn’t do something and you believed them. What about the last time you told yourself you couldn’t do something? Most of us struggle to adopt a growth mindset vs being stuck with a fixed mindset.

Keep reading to find out the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset it, why it matters and how to make a change.

Do You Have a Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset?

What is the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset?

A fixed mindset is the belief that skill and ability is something you are born with and not something that you can learn.

I’m not a singer.

I’m not coordinated.

I’m too old to do that type of workout.

I wish I would have learned that I was younger; it’s too late for me to start now.

I’m just not someone who likes to workout.

If you find yourself saying, “I can’t” more often than not, then you may have a fixed mindset.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is the belief that skills and abilities are something that can be achieved or improved upon through hard work, practice and help from others. As you can imagine, those individuals with more of a growth mindset are more likely to set and achieve goals since they are willing to work, practice and grow.

How do I know if I have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?

Like most everything in life, it isn’t so black and white. Most everyone has some combination of both fixed and growth mindset. You may even lean heavier towards a growth mindset, only to have a harsh criticism shut you down and stir up fixed mindset thoughts. Maybe I can’t do this after all?

The key is to have awareness of your mindset so you can shift your focus towards a growth mindset so you can continue to keep learning, growing and improving.

How to shift my mindset from fixed to growth?

Here are some tips on how to shift your mindset from fixed to growth.

  • Be aware- Pay attention to the words you are using and the thoughts in your mind when faced with challenges and stepping out of your comfort zone. Don’t believe everything you think! Ask yourself. Is this thinking actually true? If you are thinking to yourself, “I’m just not coordinated,” is that actually true? Are there steps you can take to improve your coordination?

  • Play around with words. Instead of “I can’t” add on the word “yet,” “I can’t do a pushup” can change to “I can’t do a pushup yet,” It’s amazing how much that tiny little word can open up a world of possibilities. Another way to play around with words is to swap “I have to” for “I get to.” Instead of looking at a task in front of you as a chore turn it around and look at it as something exciting and interesting that you get to experience.

  • Change the way you handle criticism. Criticism and taking feedback can be defeating, but it doesn’t have to be. Use constructive criticism as a way to improve and grow. No one is perfect. You can always improve and get better, so embrace feedback and don’t take it too personal!

Now that you know what a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is, are you ready to take that step to mix it up and achieve your goals? Come try a free week on us and click below to learn more!


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