How to Finish What You've Started

Have you ever decided to try something new?

You got all excited about it, got all the tools you needed to get it done and then halfway through, you’ve realized that you’ve given up?

You’re not alone! It can be tough to finish things and see them through till the end. You get bored; you get tired; you get distracted. There are so many reasons that can pop up and throw you off course.

We are about to finish up the Summer Mix Challenge, so we figured now would be the perfect time to talk about ways that you can finish what you’ve started.

How to Finish What You’ve Started

Give yourself a deadline

It’s a lot easier to finish when you can see that finish line up just a head of you. Imagine if you were in a race that had no finish line? You just had to keep running and running.

There’s a reason we typically give an amount of time for a sprint in a cycling class. It’s a lot easier to pace yourself and finish strong when you know it’s a 30 second push vs you have no idea.

When it comes to your goals that don’t necessarily come with an end date, it’s helpful to add a deadline onto them. Once you reach that deadline, then you can reevaluate your goals and see if you can change them or keep on going.

Give yourself a reward

I remember being a kid and getting little bonuses and prizes at school whenever I completed a task or homework assignment. They may have been small, but it was always a great motivator to get my to finish my work.

We aren’t that much different than kids. When you give yourself something to look forward to, it help motivate you to get the finish line.

Maybe it’s a cute workout outfit that you have picked out for yourself for completing your goal or maybe it’s even something as simple as an hour or quiet, alone time? There are lots of different types of rewards that you can give yourself for completing a task or achieving a goal.

Break it down

Whenever I go about reorganizing my house, I usually break it down. I start with one small space at a time and gradually work my way through my house.

If I were to try to do it all at once it would be incredibly overwhelming.

Instead, break down your task or goal into smaller, more accessible goals. It’ll feel good as you check off one box and help keep you motivated through until the next until you are finished.

Share your goal with a friend

Those who share their goals are more likely to achieve them.

When you share your goal with a friend, someone to hold you accountable, it’s easier to stay motivated to get it done. It also makes the task more fun when you have a buddy doing it with you.

Take one step at a time and just get started

The good news with most goals? There’s no time limit. Even if you started and stopped a bunch of times already, you can always start up again.

It’s never too late to get working on your goals!

Ready to get started to achieving your goals? Sign up for a call with us today!


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