Why Restarting Your Workout Routine Doesn't Have to Be Scary

Besides time and motivation, one of the biggest things that holds many people back from working towards their health and fitness goals is intimidation.

We understand!

Before we opened Remix, we felt the very same way. Even though we were certified personal trainers, we still felt intimidated and over whelmed walking into a big box gym. All those thoughts that run through your mind are totally normal.

Am I doing this right? Do I look like an idiot? Is everyone looking at me? Am I going to be able to do this?

You are not alone in those thoughts. Any time you try anything new, it’s reasonable to have those feelings. Just knowing that you aren’t alone in having them can be helpful. We’ve also have some more reasons why restarting your workout routine doesn’t have to be scary. Keep reading to find out!

Why Restarting Your Workout Routine Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

You aren’t alone.

Like we said above, you aren’t the only one to feel intimidated. The good news with Remix is that instead of walking into a big box gym where you are alone, we have a incredibly supportive community around to help you feel comfortable.

We have a variety of different levels and our instructors make sure to offer modifications and levels throughout class so you don’t feel like you have to do something that is out of your comfort zone.

We also offer VIP calls to get you started and we are more than happy to jump into class with you!

There’s no rush.

If you are getting back into working out, there’s no need to rush things. Sometimes people come back too hard, too soon and end up burning out or worse injuring themselves. We want you to work out for life.

That means gradually progressing.

Set realistic goals for the number of classes you want to get to each week and as you feel more comfortable and confident, you can add more in. Even if you are only taking one class per week to start, that’s so much better than no classes a week.

It can be fun!

You may be thinking to yourself, “I just don’t like working out,” but we actually make it fun! With a group, you’re in it together. We’ve got the music and the mix so you don’t get bored and so you stay engaged.

Want to make it even more fun? Convince a friend or family member to do it with you! A accountability partner can do wonders for you motivation.

Ready to get started?

We want you to get back into it, to be successful and feel confident coming to class. Book a VIP call with us to discuss your goals!


How to Find Motivation if You Hate Working Out


How to Get the Remix Method To Work For You