Nutrition Weight Loss Challenge Summer 2022
Week 1
Here is the recorded video of Sundays 11:30am Weight Loss Challenge. Includes review of the challenge and we cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner. These meals will cover us until Wednesday when you cook again to cover you until Sunday. Don't forget to send me your beginning weight! Here are some tips to apply during the challenge:
-Avoid gluten 100% and dairy. Can use Seite brand almond flour wraps, if needed.
-Fruit is allowed. Max 2 cups per day, be aware you may use 1-1.5 cups in smoothies.
-Avoid refined foods, sweeteners (except for monk fruit or stevia) and alcohol as they will impair the liver's ability to detoxify and lose fat.
-No excess caffeine can be a stressor and may increase cortisol response and promote weight loss resistance. 2 cups (16oz) max of coffee/day.
-Remove environmental toxins and fake estrogens including plastics, commercially raised meats and nonorganic foods as they can disrupt hormonal balance. Buy 100% grass fed beef, pasture raised poultry and wild caught fishes (not farmed).
-After exercise you can have starchy carbohydrates 30 grams depending on the length of exercise.
-If hungry you can snack on nuts (up to 1/4 cup per day)-macadamia/walnuts/pecans/pine/brazil, seeds-flax/hemp/sesame, nut/seed butter and celery/apple, ¼ cup guacamole and veggies, kimchi, 40 calories of gluten free crackers, salsa and veggies, olives, 100% cacao.
-Can use olive, avocado or coconut oils. Vinegars without added sugars.
-Take multivitamin with probiotics-good brand is Garden of Life My Kind Organics