3 Signs You Need to Mix Up Your Workout

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Before we opened Remix, we worked at a small boutique barre studio and loved it. We loved the atmosphere. We loved the close knit community and the fact that you were held accountable and not overwhelmed like we often felt walking into a big box gym. Yet, we were missing something… quite a number of things actually. While we loved barre, we still wanted to mix it up. We wanted the cardio; we wanted the more bootcamp-type class; we wanted to lift a bit heavier.

That’s why we’ve created Remix. We wanted to bridge the gap between small boutique studios who had the community feel with the variety of a big box gym. Keep reading to find out 3 signs you may need to mix up your workouts, plus one more bonus sign!

1. You're Bored

Feel like you've been just going through the motions with your workout? Maybe it's time to mix it up! Fortunately, we have lots to choose from and are always adding popups to the mix like that riser class pictured above, so be sure to hop in those when you see them on the schedule.

For example, need to shake up your cardio? Throw in a Tabata class or jump into a spin class for something new. We also have some Dance Pop Up classes popping up on the schedule. Your workout does not have to be boring! Another big benefit of our group classes is the fact that we do them as a group which makes them so much more fun. Even virtually, you can see and hear the instructor, and if you choose, they can see and hear you too. It helps to create that accountability and the sense that we aren’t doing this all alone.

2. You're Not Being Challenged

Feel like you haven't been sore in awhile? Though you don't need to be sore every time you workout, know that your body does adapt. Try a new class OR take that as a sign that you may need to bump up your weights to challenge yourself even more.

Our bodies are highly adaptable! It’s really a great thing because that means you can always get stronger and learn new things. Yet, it also means that you need to continually keep challenging your body.

  • For our strength classes, like lift and sculpt, check in with yourself. Maybe it’s time to bump up the weights?

  • For our interval classes, maybe you need to try to increase the number of repetitions you are getting done.

  • Are you someone who tends to shy away from the classes to the beat? Challenge your body AND your mind and make both stronger by stepping out of your comfort zone with a more to the beat class or dance class.

3. You're Not Motivated

Are you struggling with a lack of motivation? It happens to a lot of us. It may be time to throw in a new a class, try a different time or even a different instructor. Grab an accountability partner to help!

A new class, new time or new instructor in the mix can really help with your motivation! Another thing that can help with motivation? A challenge! We’re in the middle of our March Madness challenge right now and it’s not too late to join in the fun. Message us and we will send you over a team.

**You’re Not Seeing Results

Check in with those goals. How are you doing? Are you truly challenging yourself in classes or do you need to pick up the pace or add in heavier weights? Members get a free one-on-one with us, so if you feel like you need an extra push, be sure to schedule that with us.

Another thing to keep in mind is your diet. Mixing up your diet is just as beneficial as mixing up your workout. Members, be sure to schedule your free one-on-one with Nicole so both your diet and your workout can be on point.

How to Mix Up Your Workout Routine?

  • Increase your weights or resistance

  • Increase your repetitions or try to bump up a level

  • Increase the number of times you workout in a week

  • Try a new class, new time or new instructor

Not a member of Remix yet? Join NOW and get locked into our lowest price at $99/a month so you can always find ways to mix up your workout routine so you don’t get bored, so you stay motivated, so you are always challenged and keep seeing results.


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