5 Tips if You Haven’t Tried Remix Yet

We are celebrating our 5 year anniversary this year and it has been one amazing, wild ride.

Remix started as an idea.

We wanted to bridge the gap between the big box gyms that offer variety and the small boutiques that offer just one thing. We wanted to mix it up.

Since we’ve opened our doors back on August 4, 2018 until now we’ve welcomed many members, and team members, made connections, and see so many reach their goals and feel happier and healthier.

If you are looking to feel happier and healthier and STRONGER, then Remix is the place for you! Here are some tips if you haven’t tried Remix yet and since we are turning 5, we thought we’d give you 5.

5 Tips If You Haven’t Tried Remix Yet

Talk to us!

If you are brand new to exercise or it’s been awhile or you are just looking to try something new, the best place to start is to chat with us. We take the time to talk with you, understand your schedule and your goals so we can point you in the right direction. We want you to walk through our doors feeling confident and ready to MIX IT UP.

Ready to chat? Reach out to us at [email protected] to set up time.

Grab a 2 Week Deal

If you’re looking to get a taste of what being a part of Remix is all about, our 2 week deal is the way to go. You get 2 weeks of unlimited classes, that includes both locations in Plymouth Meeting and Horsham as well as live virtual classes. While you are in your 2 weeks we are here to answer any questions you may have and help guide you to the classes that you just right for you and your MIX.

Mix it up!

While you are in your 2 week deal, we recommend trying a bunch of different classes and instructors to find the right mix for you. It’s also a great time to find the ideal time and days for your workouts. We recommend starting with a class that may be familiar to you, but also don’t be afraid to try something new. No matter what level you are, our instructors offer modifications and levels for all.

Come up with a plan

Once you’ve gotten a taste of our classes and schedule, it’s time to come up with a plan for the future. What class schedule will be BEST for you? How often will you come to Remix? Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) and be realistic with yourself and your lifestyle. We are big believers in gradual progression and not starting out doing too much too soon. Again, we are here for you! All members receive a one-on-one fitness consultation to go over their goals as well as a one-on-one with our registered dietitian to go over diet.

Share the news!

Finally, once you mix it up and come up with your plan, it’s time to share the news so you hold yourself accountable to your new goals and plan. Join our facebook accountability group and start chatting it up with your fellow Remixers in class to start creating that routine and healthy lifestyle. Bring along a friend or family member who can help push you along so you achieve those goals!

Ready to get started? Grab our intro offer and start mixing it up with us today!


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