A Simple Way to Improve Your Self Care

How often have you said to yourself, “I should really do X more?”

“I should really go to bed earlier.” “I should really workout more.” “I should really stop ordering out so much.”

So often we want to improve our self care, we know we have to improve our self care for our health, but it’s easier said than done.

Well, we’ve got some tips and strategies to make your self care goals become a reality.

Ready to learn more? Keep reading!

A Simple Way to Improve Your Self Care

First, you’re going to need to decide what you want to focus on.

It may be tempting to do ALL the things at once, but you’ll be able to really focus on a smaller amount of goals. It’s like multitasking. It’s physically impossible to do two things at the same time. Instead, we just end of flipping back and forth between tasks really fast. Things get missed when we try to “multitask” and we end up creating more work for ourselves than if we just sat down and focused on one thing at a time.

So, we recommend sticking to 1-3 goals at a time. You can take from the list below or come up with your own. Whatever you want to work on!

Second, it’s time to get specific with your goals. How often do you want to accomplish these goals?

Be realistic with yourself. If you are someone who doesn’t workout at all, it’s going to be tough to go from zero workouts to 7 workouts a week. Give yourself some leeway and grace. Maybe go for 1-2 workouts a week or 2-3 to start. The good news? There’s nothing stopping you from doing MORE than your goal. Next month, after you’ve achieve this goal, you can bump it up.

Once you come up with a number of how often you want to accomplish these goals, then it’s time to decide how long you are going to aim to do this goal until you check in with yourself. Do you want to workout 2-3 times a week for the next 4 weeks? We recommend choosing something that’s not too far away, so it seems doable.

Once you have your end date, set an alarm or a reminder in your calendar to check in. Did you accomplish your goals? If you did, reward yourself! Celebrate! If you didn’t, that’s okay too. Readjust your goals for the next time. Did you achieve your goal? Time to bump it up! Did you miss out? Maybe back off a little.

Once you’ve set your goals, you’ve wrote down the specific amounts for your goals, and set a reminder to check in with yourself, now it’s time to make them happen.

Set yourself up for success!

What strategies will you have in place to help you along the way. Think about what has held you back in the past. Is it lack of motivation? Grab an accountability partner to keep you motivated. Is it a lack of time? Schedule your self care in advance and build time into your schedule so you don’t push it to the side.

Are you ready to make some time for you and start achieving your self care goals? Let’s go! We are here to help. Email [email protected] “personalized plan” for more guidance or check out our Love Yourself Challenge and we’ll guide you through achieving your self care goals every step of the way.


One Tip on How to Stay Motivated