Client Spotlight with Diana

1) How and why did you start taking Remix classes? 

After I had my second child, I really struggled to lose weight I put on. I felt ashamed weight didn't come off naturally with breastfeeding, and I felt guilty taking time away from my family to do anything for myself.  I never had energy to play with kids, and cringed when I had to put on a swimsuit to jump in the pool for swim lessons. I knew I needed to make a change. I started at Remix because of my good friend Caitronia. I was so inspired by Caitronia's ability to bounce back after having her daughter and decided to give Remix a try. It started with a free class, then I bought 10 class package, and decided to join as a member after a week. I had so much fun during each class and saw results immediately. Remix has been the best decision and investment I have made (after marrying my husband of course).

2) Why do you continue to Remix? 


I continue to go to Remix because it works. I have lost over 60 pounds, 10 dress sizes, and have been able to maintain it. Remix gives me the tools to be the best version of myself, and allows me to show up for my family as the best mother and wife possible. I get to be part of the most amazing community of women who support and inspire one another. Remix is continually adding new classes, new instructors, new challenges so I am constantly challenged to keep reaching for new goals.

3) What do you love about Remix (classes/friendships)?

I love the variety at Remix. I am challenged during each class and love new contests Tricia and Marycate put together. "Mixing it up" is really important for my health and wellness journey. In addition, I am most grateful for our community at Remix. We are a strong group of friends, moms, sisters who support one another and hold each other accountable. We have play dates, go out to dinner/drinks, paint nights and BINGO! You will never have a bad day at Remix. 

You will never have a bad day at Remix.

4. What are the changes you’ve seen in yourself? What are you doing to sustain and maintain? 

I am in the best shape of my adult life. I have energy to work long hours but still be present with my family. Remix instructors are super inspiring and creative. Many of them are full time working moms but make time for themselves and their health. Remix community holds me accountable and motivates me. A group of us decided to sign up for Broad Street Run, and have been helping one another train. Even after it was postponed we are still pushing each other to train just to set more goals and stick with them.

5. When can we typically find you taking Remix classes and what is your mix?

I really like to mix it up, so you can find me early morning or evening classes. I love cardio, barre, spin, and my favorite Meg Graham sculpt classes.

6. What would you tell anyone that hasn’t tried Remix classes yet? What do you wish you someone would have told you about Remix before you started? 

I wish someone told me about Remix earlier. I had so many hesitations and reasons why I should not try Remix. I am so glad I didn't listen to that little voice of doubt in my head. Remix is a special place, it will work for you. It is different from any other gym you have been to or will go to. Remix community is so diverse, different ages, athletic ability, and background you will feel welcomed and always able to find like-minded friends to novitiate you.  Just start! 


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