5 Ways to Stay Motivated at Home

It can be a challenge to stay motivated at home. We get it! It’s one of the reasons we opened Remix in the first place. You can always workout by yourself at home, but it’s so much easier to challenge yourself and stay motivated when you have a group around you pushing you to get stronger.

So what’s a Remixer to do while stuck at home during a quarantine?

Fortunately, we have some tips for you on how to stay motivated at home!

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5 Ways to Stay Motivated at Home

  1. Join us on Zoom: We are SO fortunate to have access to technology during this crazy time. What would we do without it?! While our Remixed Zoom classes can never compete with our actual space on Welsh Road, it comes pretty close! The difference between our zoom classes and just watching a workout video is that our classes are live and happening in real time. If you choose, the instructor can see you and give real feedback and motivation. You are also with a whole group of people working out together at the same time. If you’re by yourself watching a video or trying to do an exercise on your own, you may be tempted to stop when it gets difficult or just shut it off all together. When there’s an instructor right there, pushing you along, it creates a sense of accountability. Find out more about our Remix Zoom classes if you haven’t tried them yet!

  2. Schedule Your Workouts: With so many of us working from home or trying to manage households full of kids home from school, the daily schedules often blur together. When you can roll out of bed to a virtual conference call, it’s not hard to lose track of the days or times. When this happens, our workouts may be pushed to the side or forgotten. Just like during non-quarantined life, it’s important to continue to schedule your workouts. Make yourself and your health a priority. When your workout is just a part of your daily routine, you are more likely to continue to do it. Fortunately, with our Remixed Zoom classes, we ask that you schedule your classes ahead of time so you receive the Zoom link. You’ll receive an email about an hour before class with the link as an extra reminder and motivation to just press play and do something for you! Schedule your Zoom Workouts today!

  3. Set Goals for Yourself: There’s a lot of uncertainty out there right now. For many of us who are used to planning everything out, it’s a strange feeling to have to adjust our perspective and live day by day. Why not set some goals for yourself and create your own plan? It may be something simple like, “workout for at least 5 times a week for 6 weeks.” Be sure to set a SMART goal or a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Right now we are hosting a #StopdropandRemix 6 Week Challenge to keep us positive, motivated and accountable. You’ll earn points for exercise, sharing your progress, bringing along friends and extra bonus points each week for special challenges. Sign up for our 6 Week Challenge now!

  4. Share Your Goals and Workouts: Did you know that you are more likely to complete your goals and workouts if you share them? Send a message to your friends and family members letting them know your workout plan or goals. Ask them for their help to keep you motivated so achieve them. Or post your goals and workouts on social media. Bonus: the more you share, the more likely you are to motivate others who may need just a little bit of encouragement to tie up those shoelaces or push that play button.

  5. Grab an accountability partner! Sometimes you need a partner to help you get yourself into gear! Who’s quarantined with you? Challenge them to take a zoom workout with you! By yourself? Call up a good friend or family member and see if they’ll zoom with you virtually. One positive that has come out of this crazy time is the fact that we get to see so many of our family and friends who are typically too far to attend a Remix class.

We also asked our incredible Remix Members to share some of their tips that they have for staying motivated at home and they did not disappoint with their responses. Read on for even MORE tips on how to stay motivated at home!

Consistency is key, especially in this world of uncertainty!

When we first started, I would put away my exercise equipment every day, but now it’s become a part of my living room. I’m more likely to incorporate a set of weights into a move if they are already right in front of me instead of in a cabinet.

Waking up and putting on my workout outfit, even if I am not taking a class until 12:30 or 4:30, keeps me accountable to get it done and also forces me to not stay in my pajamas all day. Also— I realized if I am dressed I am likely to get out for a few walks throughout the day too

Have water & a towel!

I know some people need or like the camera off for a workout but for me, having the camera on keeps me accountable..I would maybe skip something hard or I didn’t like if I thought no one could see me but with it on I know people can see me ( especially the instructors) so it gives me an extra push and in the end I’m always glad I did it( even if I’m not at the time 😜)

Starting my day in my workout gear definitely keeps me motivated! Instead of throwing on a pair of sweatpants, I throw on a pair of leggings. I don’t usually workout until after work but knowing I’m already dressed motivates me to do a workout even if I have a long day working.

Planning out my workouts for the week on Sunday and signing up for them- which is the same as if I were going to the studio!

I schedule my Zoom workouts like in studio workouts - I schedule for the week and write them on my calendar. They are like any other appointment or meeting I have that day

Since being home so much i found myself doing multiple workouts a day which is great and keeping me sane. But i keep making excuses as to why i shouldn’t have a rest day “never miss a Monday” “what else am i gonna do today” but in reality our bodies m need time to heal. There’s nothing wrong with taking a day off. And because i refused to stop I’ve been dealing with a lot of back pain. I’ve been trying to workout through the pain and sometimes it’s just too much and I’m definitely not getting what i should out of them. Just remember, it’s okay to rest. We’re human, not robots. Take care of yourself and listen to your body when it’s telling you to take it easy.

All of our worlds have been completely turned upside down, but that doesn’t mean that our exercise plan needs to fall apart. In fact, exercise can play an important role in not only staying healthy and strong, but maintaining a sense of normalcy and contributing to our mental well being. Remember, any type of movement is good movement. Even if you can only press play for a few minutes, keep in mind that 5 minutes is better than nothing.

We miss you all, but love that we are able to continue to seeing you all working hard on those Zooms. When will we see you next?


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