How To Go On Vacation Without Falling Off Track

Heading away this summer?

If you’ve been working hard at maintaining a healthy wellness routine with exercise and diet, you may be in sort of a dilemma. You want to make sure that you continue to stick with those healthy routines that you’ve got into place, but at the same time you want to still enjoy yourself.

Fortunately, you can do both!


First, if you’ve been following along then you’ve probably heard us talking about the importance of ditching an all-or-nothing mindset and going on vacation is a perfect example of why this mindset can be detrimental to your health and wellness. If you’re in that all-or-nothing mindset and decide to go on vacation, you may throw everything out the window, go crazy with every dessert imaginable and enjoy a week of sitting in place.

Though taking some time for rest, enjoying desserts and, yes, even sitting can be a good thing… you know you can always have too much of a good thing.

So, here are some ways that you can go on vacation without falling off track.

  • If you want to go on vacation without falling off track, first you want to practice moderation and mindfulness. There is nothing wrong with enjoying that ice cream sundae on the boardwalk, but be mindful about all your other foods that you’ve had throughout the day. Be sure to include plenty of fresh fruit and veggies throughout the day in addition to those desserts.

  • Include some active activities while away! Though we’ve made it SO easy to take Remix with you on the go with our full schedule of virtual classes, even if you skip a few workouts, there are other ways that you can sneak in some activity so you aren’t falling completely off course. Rent bikes or schedule in a walk around to see sights. Go for a hike or play a sport on the beach, maybe even try something new like surfing! Yes, vacation is all about relaxing, but you can find ways to relax while still keeping your body moving.

  • Make sure to hydrate and get plenty of rest. It’s so important to make sure you are drinking plenty of water while away, especially if you’re going somewhere warm. Pack a cute water bottle, maybe throw in some cucumbers for a spa-like touch and carry it around with you while you’re out seeing the sights. Though you may be tempted to stay up late since you’ve got no where to be in the morning, you’ll thank yourself if you use your vacation time to practice good sleep habits.

If you’ve been working hard to build up those healthy routines, just because you’re going away on vacation doesn’t mean you need to lose track of them. Let us know what tips you plan on using and if you have any other tips you are going to try. If you’re going away, be sure to have the best time and don’t forget that you can continue to Mix it Up with us while away with our virtual classes and/or our on-demand collection.


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