Improve Your Workouts By Doing This One Simple Thing

What do you think is the number one phrase group fitness instructors use while teaching?

While we can’t guarantee that, “Engage your core!” is the number one phrase, we know it must be up there. We hear it during squats, during high knees, during push-ups… pretty much every exercise is cued with those words.

But what do those words even mean exactly? And why is it so important to engage your core during your workout?

First, let’s tackle WHY it’s so important to engage your core while exercising…

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  • It’ll help increase your efficiency while moving

  • It’ll make your exercises more effective

  • It’ll reduce your risk of injury

When we engage our core, we put our spine in a neutral position, so we aren’t over extending our back. Often we’ll forget to engage our core, causing an arch in our lower backs and putting too much pressure there. Has your back ever hurt during a plank or a bridge position? You may have not been properly engaging your core.

When we don’t engage our core while exercising, our other muscles pick up the slack. If you are trying to lift up something heavy like a dumbbell and you don’t use your core, other muscles may be working overtime trying to lift up that weight. You may find yourself developing overuse injuries.

Now that we know why it’s so important to engage your core while exercising, let’s talk about how to do it.

We like to imagine that someone is about to punch us right in the gut when we are activating our core. You want to squeeze those muscles in while still being able to breath normally.

You can try this right now. Place your hands on your stomach and take a nice long inhale through your nose while expanding your ribcage and letting your belly button raise your hand. Then exhale and squeeze you abdominals in like someone is about to punch you.

Another way exercise to try to see if you are properly engaging your core is to lie on the ground on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and your back in a neutral position with just the tiniest of curves with a neutral spine. Place your palms on your thighs and take an inhale then exhale and press your palms into your thighs and your thighs into your palms. You should feel your core tighten up and activate. If your hands and thighs stay exactly where they are then you have successfully engaged your core.

Keep practicing engaging your core and you’ll see your workouts improve! Want to chat with us about your form and your goals? Be sure to set up a VIP call with Mary Cate and Tricia to discuss more!

Tired of starting a new workout plan & healthy diet only to find yourself going back to your old ways?

Do you find yourself jumping around from workout plan to workout or from diet to diet trying to find out one that sticks? At Remix, we’ve got the solution for you! During our 5 Day Spring Kickstart we’ll give you the tools you need to make mindset changes and create healthier, lifelong habits and demonstrate the three key components for a workout program that sticks…

The 5 Day Kickstart includes,

  • Live Fitness Classes & Tips

  • Private Facebook Group for Accountability

  • VIP call with Mary Cate & Tricia

  • Mindset and accountability training to help you create lifelong healthy habits

Ready to take action? Ready for a kickstart to a healthier you?


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