The 3 Secret Strategies to Stop Hesitating and Start Doing

Are you someone who hesitates?

Do you struggle with making decisions or getting things done?

While there are definitely pros to planning ahead and thinking things through before you take action, it becomes more difficult to achieve the goals you want to achieve if you are constantly hesitating and not taking action.

For instance, have these thoughts ever gone through your head…


“I really need to get in shape”

“I’ve been meaning to try that class out”

“Once I get my schedule under control, I’ll start taking time for me”

“Once my toddler is in school then I’ll have more time to workout.”

Life will always be busy. There will always be things that interrupt your time or your day and get in the way of you accomplishing your goals. Like we said earlier this week on instagram, it’s not about having time, it’s about making time. If you don’t make the time for those important things in life; you won’t have it.

So, how do you go about making that time? How do you stop pushing things off, stop hesitating and start DOING?

The 3 Secret Strategies to Stop Hesitating and Start Doing

  1. Change your mindset; change your language:

    Earlier this week we shared a simple swap you can make with your language that’ll completely change your mindset. Instead of using the words, “I have to…” switch to, “I get to…” It may seem like such a simple swap couldn’t do much, but it really works. Instead of “I have to workout today” change it to “I get to workout today.” Remind yourself that you are lucky to be able to do the tasks and it can make them so much more enjoyable.

  2. Get uncomfortable being uncomfortable:

    It’s helpful to determine what is holding you back from achieving your goals. Often times it’s the feeling of being uncomfortable, stepping outside the box and trying something that we don’t normally do. We get it. It can be intimidating walking into any new place for the first time. Yet, like any skill, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. We mix it up in class because it’s good for our bodies, and because it’s good for our minds. We do different workouts, step out of our comfort zones often, so it becomes something that we are actually comfortable doing. That’s how we get stronger. That’s how we accomplish our goals.

  3. Set goals and start small:

    Think about your goals and what you’d like to achieve when it comes to your health and wellness. Are your goals too big? It’s okay to set big goals for yourself, but when we start to tackle them they can get a little overwhelming. Instead, break your goal up into smaller, more doable goals. Be sure to follow the SMART (i.e. specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goal format when you’re creating your goals.

Now that you have some strategies for achieving your goals, what are you waiting for? Grab a free week on us and score a $10 off coupon if you take at least three classes in one week. We want you to be able to get in shape and, more importantly, stay in shape.

Want to discover more tips in how to get in shape, stay in shape and become a healthier you? Join us for our 5 Day Spring Kickstart April 26th through April 30th.

During our 5 Day Kickstart, we’ll share live workout videos, form tips, mindset training and more so you’ll leave with the tools you need to create healthy habits that you’ll stick with for life. The 5 Day Kickstart includes,

  • Live Fitness Classes & Tips

  • Private Facebook Group for Accountability

  • VIP call with Mary Cate & Tricia

  • Mindset and accountability training to help you create lifelong healthy habits

Ready to take action? Ready for a kickstart to a healthier you?


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