6 Ways to Deal with Uncertainty

We’ve made it to yellow here in Pennsylvania. Yay! It has been wonderful to get outside and mix it up with so many of you face to face in addition to our full live streaming schedule and library of on-demand fitness classes. Yet, what does moving to yellow really mean? We are still unsure of when we’ll be able to move to green and open our doors. There’s the uncertainty of fall and kids’ school and sport schedules around the corner, and even work schedules are a little up in the air.

As planners, it can be confusing and anxiety-inducing to be faced with an uncertain future that you can’t entirely plan out ahead of time. Fortunately and unfortunately, most of us are all in this situation together. If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, know that you are not alone. Since we are all faced with uncertain times together, we thought we’d do a little research and share with you some ideas we can deal with and overcome all those feelings together.

6 Ways to Deal with Uncertainty

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness has been a buzz word in recent years, and for good reason. Even before this whole pandemic happened, many of us were overworked and overstressed. Mindfulness can help calm your mind and body and relieve stress. How do you go about practicing mindfulness though? First thing you can do is to focus on your breathing. So many of us take short, shallow breaths throughout the day. Who knew someone so basic as breathing could be done incorrectly? Take a few moments to try out some deep breaths. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Then, take a deep breath in through your nose while expanding your stomach, exhale while contracting your stomach back in. Practice deep breathing and take notice of how your body relaxes.

    Another way to practice mindfulness is to be present in the moment. This can be a challenge, especially when so many of us have a million and one things racing through our minds throughout the day. Whenever you are completing a task or in a conversation with someone else, really pay attention to the conversation or to what you are doing in that moment. Not only will the person are you conversing with appreciate your listening skills, but you’ll find that you’ll complete your tasks more efficiently as well.

  • Practice gratitude

    Not only do we want to practice being present in the moment, but it’s helpful during these uncertain times to take time to remind ourselves of the good things. Keep a gratitude journal or have a conversation with your kids or spouse about what you all are thankful for to start the day. When we read so much negativity in the news or in our social media feeds, it can easily bring us down and throw us off track. When we focus on the bright spots in our lives, even if they are small, we can help change our entire outlook.

  • Exercise!

    If you’ve exercised with us through our live streaming classes, on-demand or even back when we were in the studio, then you know the incredible boost of energy and positivity a workout class can give you. The endorphins you get from exercise can boost your mood and give you energy, so you can be more creative which will help with an ever-changing future. Exercise is good for your brain and mental health which will help to keep you positive despite uncertainty.

    Good news! We can help you with the exercise. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for your first class. We are currently offering fitness classes outside until we can be back in the studio, live streaming through zoom and a full collection of more than 100 classes in our on-demand library.

  • Plan out things you can control

    So, you may not be able to plan out your entire future, but it may help to focus on things you can map out. We always recommend booking your fitness classes in advance. When you book your classes in advance, it gives you something to look forward to in your calendar ahead. When so many things have been canceled or postponed, it’s nice to know that there are some things that will definitely be on the schedule. There’s also the amazing sense of accomplishment that completing a class can give you. So many things may currently be up in the air, so starting and finishing something like an exercise class can help motivate you to stay positive. It may also be helpful to come up with different fun activities that you can do with your family or whoever you are with social distancing. Plan a staycation, a date night or a special hike somewhere you haven’t been before.

  • Be Flexible

    If there ever was a time to be flexible, now is it. As instructors, this is something we often practice. Before class, we spend time preparing exercises and a playlist so we can better instruct our clients. Yet, so often, these plans go out the window when it comes time for class because of unexpected circumstances. Someone needs a special modification, the song didn’t download, the class finished the exercise faster than anticipated- all of these require us to adapt and be flexible.

    In life, it’s important to remember that no matter how much we plan and prepare, things may not go as expected. If we accept that and adopt a more go-with-the-flow attitude, it’s easier to stay positive throughout this uncertain time. It also goes back to expressing gratitude. When we are aware of all the positives in ourself and our life, we are often times more willing to be flexible because we know that we will be able to handle whatever life throws our way.

  • Acknowledge your feelings

    Finally, it’s okay to acknowledge your feelings. This is a crazy time like no other! It’s okay to have those worries and fears about the uncertainty of what’s ahead of us. We often say in class, “You are stronger than you know.” It’s true. Take time to acknowledge your anxiety about the future, but remind yourself of all that you have to be grateful for and know that you can be flexible, adaptable and get through whatever comes your way.

    Oh, and don’t forget- exercise helps of course!

    No matter where you are on your fitness journey (beginner, coming back after a hiatus, fitness fanatic), we want to mix it up with you. We have been working hard to offer a variety of different ways to keep you healthy and active.

  • Ready to get out there? We are now offering outside classes and in-studio classes when we are given the go ahead.

  • Still want the community, but not able to get to the studio? We offer live streaming classes through zoom so our instructors can continue to motivate and encourage you in real time.

  • Still working crazy hours? We have over 100 videos and counting in our on-demand library to access at any time or day.

    Come try your first class free today and join an amazingly supportive community that has stuck together and will continue to do so during this uncertain time.


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