The Number One Reason You're Going to Want to Do a Time Audit

"I have no time!" ⏲️⁠

Raise your hand if you've said those words to yourself. 🙋‍♀️⁠


⁠So many of us are running around, juggling a million and one things while the clock continues to tick leaving us with barely enough time to even glance at our watches. Yet, have you ever thought about where that time goes? ⁠If someone handed you a pie chart of where you spend your time, where do you think it would all fall? ⁠

⁠If you're feeling all the above, it may be time to do a time audit.

Though you may be saying to yourself, "ummm... I just said I have no time; do you really think I have time for a time audit?!" If you’re hesitant to do a time audit because you feel like it’s a waste of time, ask yourself these questions.

  • Do you feel overwhelmed with your schedule?

  • Do you feel like you hit 8:00 pm each night and just need to crash because you’ve been running around in circles all day long?

  • Do you wish you could get just ONE extra hour each day?

Though you may be feeling like every single minute of every single day is being consumed with work, there are ALWAYS ways to consolidate and systemize your work to make things more efficient.

We were recently feeling the same exact way as you, but then we took a look at our schedule. We noticed that there may be better, more efficient ways of doing daily tasks. We realized that we may have been scrolling through Facebook too much or spending too much time getting lost in our emails. It’s a work in progress, but we are now on a better path towards taking back control or our time and our schedule.

So, what’s the number one reason you’ll want to do a time audit? Time, of course. There’s nothing more valuable than time. Think about all of the things you can accomplish if you had more time. Think about your goals. If you want to achieve those goals, then you’re going to want to do a time audit. Here’s how to do one…

⁠How to Do a Time Audit & Take Control of Your Schedule

🔹Use a spreadsheet or piece of paper and break up your day into 30 minute or 1 hour segments. Set alarms for a little reminder. Once the alarm goes off, write down what you did during that time (it doesn't need to be lengthy, just a quick note) You can try this for one day or even an entire work week. Decide what you want to do and create a plan. Be sure to pick a day or a week that is a typical day or week.

🔹Analyze your data. Take a look at where you are spending your time. Are there any time sucks? Have you been scrolling through facebook too much or getting lost in your emails? ⁠You can even create a pie chart or graph to really get a sense of where you are spending the majority of your time. Break up your tasks into “time wasters” and “high priority” tasks. Take at look at the time wasters. First, see if they can be cut out of your schedule completely or if you’ll give yourself a smaller amount of time to “indulge” in these items.

🔹Consolidate. See if there are any tasks that you can simplify or put together to save yourself some time. Are you randomly checking your email 5 times a day? Maybe drop that down to just three times a day and make sure that when you are checking your email that you devoting all your attention to it.

🔹Plan and set goals for yourself. Write down the most important things and be sure to make time for them in your schedule. If you've been meaning to get in shape, make working out a priority in your schedule. ⁠

Have you ever tried a time audit? What did you think you'd find you spend the most of your time on? What would you like to work on?

Want to learn more tips on increasing your productivity so you achieve your goals? Want to be able to learn how to get in shape and, more importantly, stay in shape? Join us April 26th through April 30th for our 5 Day Spring Kickstart. During our 5 Day Kickstart, we’ll share live workout videos, form tips, mindset training and more so you’ll leave with the tools you need to create healthy habits that you’ll stick with for life.

For just $7 (and FREE for members) the 5 Day Kickstart includes,

  • Live Fitness Classes & Tips

  • Private Facebook Group for Accountability

  • VIP call with Mary Cate & Tricia

  • Mindset and accountability training to help you create lifelong healthy habits


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