Two Simple Strategies for Staying Motivated

Fall is officially here.

Can you smell the pumpkin spice? Did you break out your boots and comfiest sweater?

Even if it’s still way too hot for that cute sweater and scarf, if you’re like us then you must be excited for the start of a new season.

A new season gives you the opportunity to start fresh. It’s the perfect time to get motivated and get things DONE.

If you’re feeling motivated and ready to tackle anything, that’s great. Often times getting motivated isn’t necessarily the most difficult part. What’s the most difficult? Staying motivated.

If you’ve got momentum and want to keep it going then keep reading because this post is for you.

Two Simple Strategies for Staying Motivated

The first strategy for staying motivated may seem fairly basic, but it works.

Set SMART goals.

Yes, it seems pretty basic and we’re sure that you’ve heard it before, but if you have nothing to measure then it’s difficult to see growth. When you can’t see growth then it’s nearly impossible to stay motivated.

The key is the SMART part.

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“I want to lose weight” or “I want to eat healthier” are great ideas, but they aren’t really goals that you can track and achieve because what does eating healthier really mean? Eating healthier and losing weight will mean something different to different people.

Instead, write down goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.

For example: Turn “I want to get into shape” into…

“I want to increase my core strength and be able to hold a plank for at least 2 minutes in 4 weeks by holding a plank 5-6 times a week gradually increasing the time starting at 30 seconds.”

See the difference? If you need help in developing goals for yourself, be sure to book a VIP call with Mary Cate and Tricia where they can help you come up with goals and do a form assessment as well.

Now onto the second strategy for staying motivated…

Identify & Plan For Your Roadblocks

Have you ever had goals that you’ve struggled to reach? Do you ever think about why you don’t achieve your goals?

Roadblocks often get in the way of achieving our goals.

Those roadblocks are different for everyone and come in a variety of different ways. Think about what is most likely to get in the way of you achieving your goals. Maybe it’s lack of time, maybe it’s a crazy work schedule, maybe it’s lack of sleep, maybe it’s your kids, maybe it’s YOU.

Identifying the major roadblocks is the first step. If your goal is to wake up at 5:00 am every morning to get your workout in, but you’re not a morning person, then you are going to need to take that into account. Set yourself up for success. Make sure you get to bed earlier, lay your workout clothes out so they are ready to go, place your alarm across the room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off.

While coming up with your SMART goals, it’s important to take some time to write down your roadblocks as well and what you plan on doing to overcome them. If you know that you get tired by the end of the day and lose will power for eating healthy, you can make sure to plan ahead and purchase pre-made healthy meals like My Chef or meal prep in the beginning of the week when you aren’t so tired.

If you’re feeling motivated and ready to achieve those results you crave, then it’s time to set up SMART goals and identify your roadblocks. If you want some help in getting there, we are happy to set up a VIP a call to discuss!

New around here? Be sure to book your first WEEK free. That includes unlimited virtual and in person classes!


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