How to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed When it Comes to a New Season

Are you the type of person who embraces a new season?

Or do you like to settle into your routine?

Whether you cannot wait for the next season to arrive or you are soaking up every ounce of the previous one; change can be a challenge.

When a new season arrives, it often feels like there’s so much to do. From changing up your wardrobe to getting used to waking up earlier to dealing with new kids’ sports schedules to so much more, it can feel overwhelming to say the least.

We are here to help with a few tips…

How to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed When It Comes to a New Season

  • Step one is to ditch the all-or-nothing mindset. We love this quote, “You can do anything if you stop trying to do everything.” You don’t need to be all the things in all the places for all the people. There’s just no way to get it all done!

    This is where prioritizing is important. Writing down your goals, what you want to achieve and then taking the time to focus on what steps you need to take to get there will help you focus. If you want to get in shape or look and feel better, then you need to plan out your workouts and ensure that they get done. Ditch the tasks that take up too much space in your day and the ones that don’t align with your goals.

  • Batch tasks. We’ve been working with a business coach and for social media purposes, she always recommends to batch content. She’ll say if you’re writing blog posts or taking pictures or videos, try to get it done in one sitting so you’ll save time in the end. Think about tasks in your life that you could possibly batch. Could you spend 1 hour a week getting lunches made and ready to go instead of trying to pack them each and every day or night? Could you set a reminder to check your email twice a day and answer every single email in that time verses stopping every time you get a new email, getting distracted, not answering it and then wasting more time when you eventually get to it?

  • Get those quick tasks DONE. This goes along with batching your tasks, but it’s super helpful to think about tasks that you need to get done that day, like packing the kids’ lunches or answering an e-mail or putting the folded laundry away and asking yourself, “Can I get this done in 2 minutes or less?” If the answer is, “yes,” then just get it done.

    How many of you are guilty of reading a text, telling yourself that you’ll answer it later and then 5 days goes by and you realize you never ended up responding? We’ve done it too! The 2 Minute Rule will help if you’re a big procrastinator and it’ll help you get things done. That email that has been sitting in your inbox that you keep putting off? Every time you open up your email and see it, you are wasting time and energy. Instead, answer it, file it away and move on to other things.

  • Finally, one way to avoid that overwhelming feeling is to prioritize your health and wellness. It’s incredible what exercise, eating right and a good night’s sleep can do for your physical and mental well being.

Time to ditch that feeling of being overwhelmed. Grab a free week of classes on us that you can take in person and virtual too!


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