Why Achieving Balance is Easier Than You Think

Ever feel overwhelmed with all the things you’ve got going on in your life?

You may be juggling your job, your kids and family with your own self care … not to mention all the laundry that has been piling up in the corner.

With our schedules these days, it can feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions and it’s a struggle to take the time for yourself let alone accomplish all the other things that you’re supposed to do during your day.

What if we told you that achieving balance is easier than you think?

Though you may be skeptical, there are some strategies you can implement to help you achieve that balance and lead a less stressful life.

First, it’s important to note that there’s a difference between balance and perfection. A lot of times a balanced life is perceived as the “perfect life” when in reality that’s not the case. You can have balance and your life will not be perfect. In fact, life isn’t perfect and that’s okay.


Being balanced is being flexible… it’s having that willingness to mix it up. It also looks different for different people. While some people may be able to feel balanced and rested going to bed later than I do, I know that personally my sleep is super crucial for my health and well being so if I’m waking up early in the morning, I need to be in bed early to get my 8 hours of sleep. It’s about knowing yourself and learning what healthy habits are important for you to have in your life.

Being balanced is always changing too. As we get older, we’ll need different things. So it’s all about testing things out, making small, manageable changes in your life to strive for that balance. Here are some simple tips you can try to work on achieving balance in your life.

Simple Tips On Achieving Balance In Your Life

  • Practice gratitude and cut the negativity: Often times we get stuck in a loop of focusing on the negative things that are happening our lives. It makes it even worse if we have negative people around us who are exasperating the issue. Turn things around by keeping a gratitude journal or saying to yourself each morning at least 3 things that you are grateful to have in your life. Pay attention to those who may be dragging you down with negativity and excuse yourself or try to shut the negative down.

  • Learn to say no to things: This one can be a tough one for a lot of us. It’s especially tough after the year we’ve had since so many are trying to get together more often and do more things. If it’s something that you don’t have to do, know that it’s okay to say no.

  • Learn to say yes to yourself: On the flip side, while it’s easy to say yes to others, often times it’s so difficult to say yes to ourselves and our self care. Whether it’s the mom guilt or guilt that it’s wrong to take time for yourself, it can stand in the way of our health, happiness and balance. Take time for yourself and remind yourself that it’s important. Remind yourself that if you want to be able to do all the other things in life and take care of your family and your job, then you need to make sure to take care of yourself first.

Most of all, don’t forget to give yourself grace and acknowledge that it’s all a process… and that’s what achieving balance is all about. It’s not about getting your schedule perfect or having all of your chores and tasks completed or even doing ALL the things. It’s doing your best. It’s about consistency and showing up for yourself as best you can everyday.

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