Postnatal Fitness

Congratulations on your new baby! We are so excited for you and your new Lil’Remixer. Once you are postpartum, you are postpartum for life, so be sure to reach out with us if you have any questions or concerns coming back to exercise after baby.

Be sure to check out our Pre & Postnatal Workshop below for some exercises to do after baby and keep reading for some Commonly Asked Questions when it comes to Postnatal Exercise! Pre & Postnatal Workshop Notes


Commonly Asked Questions

What are some of the benefits of exercising for postpartum women?

  • It helps strengthen and tone abdominal muscles.

  • It boosts energy.

  • It may help prevent postpartum depression.

  • It promotes better sleep.

  • It relieves stress.

  • It can help you lose the extra weight that you may have gained during pregnancy.

When can I start exercising after pregnancy?

If you had a healthy pregnancy and a normal vaginal delivery, you should be able to start exercising again soon after the baby is born. Usually, it is safe to begin exercising a few days after giving birth—or as soon as you feel ready. If you had a cesarean birth or other complications, ask your health care professional when it is safe to begin exercising again.

How much should I exercise after having a baby?

After having a baby, you should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. You can divide the 150 minutes into 30-minute workouts on 5 days of the week or into smaller 10-minute sessions throughout each day. For example, you could go for three 10-minute walks each day.

  • Use the “talk test” to determine moderate-intensity aerobic activity. You should be able to talk, but not sing.

Muscle-strengthening activities (e.g. lifting, pilates, barre, yoga, etc.) should be done in addition to your aerobic activity on at least 2 days a week.

What are some ways to start exercising?

When you are ready to start exercising, walking is a great way to get back in shape. Another good way to get daily exercise is by joining an exercise class.

  • Listen to your body, remember gradual progression is important!

Are there any exercises I can start doing immediately after giving birth?

Yes! You can actually start with these three exercises even in the hospital.

  • Pelvic Floor Lifts

  • Chest stretches

  • Transverse Engagement “Bring your belly to your spine”

    *See the workshop for how to perform these exercises.

Are there any exercises I should avoid after giving birth? What about Diastasis Recti?

Some separation of your abdominal muscles, diastasis recti, is normal during pregnancy. Though it’s normal, there are some steps to take to reduce the size of the separation. To measure the gap in between your abs you can lay on your back and crunch up and place your finger in the middle of your abs. A finger width or less is normal. Anything two fingers or greater you will need to exercise some caution.

Anyone less than 3 months postpartum and/or with a separation should avoid any oblique exercises. Also, be mindful of any “coning” that may occur with abdominal work such as crunches or planks. It’s important to engage your transverse abdominals or inner abs before laying any recti abdominal work on top. *See Pre & Postnatal Workshop


American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Danika Viola Occupational Therapist Flourish Pelvic Health & Wellness