Eat Healthy All Summer Long with this Simple Tip

Backyard barbecues, the pool snack bar, pizza and ice cream down the shore… summer is usually filled with sweets and you may often be too hot to feel like cooking. We totally get it!

While a healthy balance is important, you also don’t want to let your diet completely fall to the wayside. It’s important for your health to continue to eat plenty of nutritious foods.

So, what’s the easiest way to go about maintaining a healthy diet all summer long?

Planning ahead.

Interestingly enough, you may have heard us talk A LOT about the importance of planning ahead and booking your classes when it comes to exercise. When you have a plan, then you are more likely to get it done. Otherwise, it’s a lot easier to come up with excuses in the moment and push your health and your self care to the side.


Eating healthy goes hand and hand with exercise and you can follow the same principles in getting it done.

Eat Healthy All Summer Long With This Simple Tip

Has this ever happened to you?

You haven’t planned out any of your meals for the day of the week. You wake up, feel completely rushed in the morning, so you skip breakfast. You’re continuing to run around like crazy, getting your work done and before you know it you’re completely famished so you grab whatever is the easiest and quickest and often times not the most healthy.

Let’s switch up that scenario a little bit.

Instead of letting your diet go to chance, you plan ahead. You take a little extra time in the beginning of the week to prep some healthy snacks that you can grab on the go. You order some My Chef catering so you have a healthy lunch ready to go and some fresh veggies that you can eat up with your dinner.

Now, when life gets busy and crazy (which, let’s face it, it’s quite often), you have some readily available options- healthy options. Furthermore, you don’t have to spend an hour each day wondering what you should throw together for dinner.

When you take a little bit of time to plan ahead for the week, you actually save yourself time and energy.

Looking for some extra help with your meal planning? We’ve got the answer for you! Our Healthy Meal Prep Challenge is starting THIS Wednesday, June 9th for $60 with our registered dietitian Nicole.

What’s the Meal Prep Challenge all about?

Over the next 6 weeks you will learn easy recipes that are healthy, tasty and quick to throw together. You may be joining the challenge for just more variety, to be more prepared for the week by having healthy choices at your fingertips, to lose weight, improve blood levels, improve energy or just to eat a few healthier meals each week... no matter the reason we look forward to inspiring you in your kitchens. Anyone from anywhere can join, family, friends, those that live close or far.

As a dietitian Nicole will teach you all the tricks, tools and techniques that can help make a meal healthier, ways to cut time and how to build your meals with more plants. We will focus on eating healthier fats, having more variety of plant colors and consuming more omega 3 rich food sources for anti inflammation.

Ready to get started?


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