How 15 Minutes is All You Need to Get Back on Track

Every summer mid-way through August, you often get hit with that sluggish, lazy feeling.

They don’t call it “the lazy days of summer” for no reason.


Any sort of routine you may have made over the summer may be falling off the rails because you only have a few more weeks until the weather turns or your kids are back in school. Maybe your kids were in camp all summer and now you’re scrambling to fill the days and keep them occupied.

Whatever the reason, we’ve got a simple strategy you can apply that’ll help get you back on track.

How 15 Minutes is All You Need to Get Back on Track

Before we dive into how just 15 minutes a week is all you need to get back on track, let’s talk about why so many of us often fall off our healthy routines and habits near the end of summer.

The key words are routines and habits.

Often, when you’re thrown off your routine or habit, you succumb to whatever is easiest or right in your face. There’s a reason they call it fast food. Instead, maintaining healthy habits and routines takes a little bit more planning and prep. Fortunately it doesn’t need to take a lot! Remember, if you want to stay healthy for life, you’ll want to ditch that all-or-nothing mindset.

So, now that we know why we are easily falling off of our healthy routines and habits; it’s time to get back on track.

All you need is 15 minutes.

We recommend scheduling 15 minutes into your week, onto your calendar with a reminder. You can even set a timer for yourself. That way you can shut everything else off and just focus on the task at end.

What’s the task?

Take that 15 minutes to schedule in your self care. Write down when you are going to make time to exercise and get moving throughout the week. Write down a quick list of healthy fruits and vegetables that you want to add to your shopping list.

When you take that time to plan and prepare you are setting yourself up for success. It can be difficult to stay motivated and easy to get thrown off track, but if you prepare for it, you are more likely to stay inspired and achieve your goals.

Need an extra push? Sign up for a VIP call with Mary Cate and Tricia today!


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