How to Adapt to Your Changing Schedule

Summer is almost over and that means a new schedule is on the horizon for many of us.

Whether you took it easy this summer, the kids are going back to school or YOU are going back to school, a schedule change can often be hard on the system- mind and body.

3 months is a long time to settle into a new routine and way of life, so it may take some planning and preparation to adjust to your new schedule. When you’re faced with a schedule change that often means your routines will have to be shifted.

And with that change, sometimes your self care gets put on the back burner.


Here are some tips on how to adapt to your changing schedule, so you don’t fall off track.

How to Adapt to Your Changing Schedule

Get prepared! Start easing your way into your new schedule a week in advance.

First things first, get prepared. If your new schedule involves an earlier wakeup time, then it’s important to give your body a chance to adjust. It’s like having little kids during daylight savings time. They always recommend starting a week in advance of daylight savings time to prepare your little one for the change. Why not do the same for yourself? If you gradually adjust your wake up times (and bedtimes) then it won’t be such a shock to your system when you do have to wake up at that earlier time.

Speaking of bedtimes, start NOW practicing good bedtime habits.

Raise your hand if the last thing you like to do before bed is watch TV or scroll through your phone. If you struggle to get to sleep (and even if you don’t), it’s a good idea to cut back on the technology at least an hour before bed. Take some time to relax, give your eyes and brain a rest and settle into your sleep. In fact, a great way to ensure that you get up and out of bed in the morning is to set your phone/alarm out of reach so you physically have to get out of the bed to shut the alarm off.

Plan ahead with plenty of good, nutritious foods.

When our schedules change, sometimes we lose the time to prepare healthy foods. Take at least 15 minutes in the beginning of the week to plan ahead and write down simple, easy, healthy snacks that you can have on hand when your famished coming home from work or a lunch that’s already prepared and ready to go so you aren’t ordering takeout. Book your one-on-one with our registered dietitian Nicole. You can even check out our My Chef meals that are a pre-made and a delicious option for healthy meals on the go.

Watch your caffeine intake.

If your schedule has changed and you are waking up earlier then you may be tempted to down more and more coffee to overcome your tiredness. By the time you try to hit the pillow, your mind and body are still going with all the caffeine. Instead, enjoy a cup in the morning and schedule your workouts. Exercise gives you natural energy. It also helps you sleep better, so you’ll be able to get to bed at a reasonable hour, so you can wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to go.

If you’re still looking for tips and guidance on how to handle your changing schedule, schedule your VIP call with us today! We’ll help you adjust and adapt, so you are sticking with your healthy habits and achieving your goals!


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