How Not to Lose Track This Summer

What do you picture when you think of summer?

Do you think of long, hot days spent relaxing in the sun or on some beach somewhere with a cocktail in your hand?

Summer time is the perfect time of year to enjoy some rest and relaxation.

It’s also a great time to stay on track with your goals so you can reach them.

Even though many of us think of summer as a time of rest and relaxation, it doesn’t need to be all-or-nothing. You can find a balance between enjoying the nice weather and vacation time while still maintaining your health and wellness goals.

How Not to Lose Track This Summer

Stay on track by keeping track!

First, you won’t know if you’ve fallen “off track” if you’re not keeping track. We have a business coach who always tells us that if we want our numbers to improve, we have to be paying attention to them in the first place.

Your health and wellness goals are no different.

If you want to maintain a consistent workout routine, mark your exercise days and time down in your calendar. You can even keep track in a notebook.

Set a goal for yourself. Decide how many times a week you are going to workout and each week give yourself a check when you get there. You can even find ways to reward yourself with some extra alone time, a manicure or a new summer outfit.

With our Summer Mix Challenge we are doing just that! Instead of trying to get the most classes in as possible, we know that everyone is different. Choose the amount of classes you’d like to take each week and give yourself a point whenever you complete your goal.

Celebrating those little wins can go a long way!!

Find balance and ditch the all-or-nothing mindset

Balance can be a tricky concept to wrap your head around. It doesn’t mean that you are perfectly doing all the things. What it does mean is that you are content and always striving for your best.

Summer time is the perfect time to get away, rest and recover. It’s also a great time to stick with your goals. You can do both!!

Pack healthier lunches for those trips to the beach. Instead of going to a backyard bbq starving, fill up on plenty of veggies before you go so you aren’t tempted to stuff your face with everything by the time you get there.

If you’re going away, it’s okay if you don’t stick with your exercise routine 5 days a week exactly. Instead, aim for movement and take advantage of the virtual option or even ondemand and pop on a class for 20-30 minutes. We now have plenty of 30 minute options if you want something quick!


Summer is a great time to get together with friends.

It can be easy to ditch your health and wellness routine for a night out with friends. Why can’t you multitask though?

Meet your friends at the studio for a workout before heading out for lunch or dinner together. You can bond over the challenge of the workout together, stay healthy together and still make time for those connections.

Our Friends & Family week is coming up at the end of June which is the perfect opportunity to bring your friends along to try a class. You can also pass along our new intro offer deal 2 weeks for $39.

Ready to stay on track this summer, but want some extra guidance? We’ve got you covered. Be sure to book your VIP call with us so we can help navigate the summer months ahead with you so you stay on track and achieve your goals!


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