How to Embrace the New Season and Fall Back into Fitness

Summer can be a difficult time to focus on fitness.

It’s hot. There are vacations and backyard get togethers and all sorts of fun excuses that get in the way of your exercise routine.

If you’ve fallen off track when it comes to your fitness, that’s okay. Fall offers the perfect opportunity for a fresh start- a reset.

It’s like the first day of school all over again.

So why not shake off those first day jitters and get back on track? If you’re feeling ready to embrace the new season and fall back into fitness, but aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got one major tip for you to try.

Here’s how you can embrace the new season and fall back into fitness.

Ready to make a change? Ready to be more productive and finally get into a healthy routine when it comes to your diet and fitness?

Try shifting your focus from results and outcomes to processes.


What does that even mean? You may be thinking, “Wait a minute, you’re always telling us to set goals so we have something to work towards.”

Goals are great to have. It’s still important to have goals and, more importantly, why you want to achieve them written down somewhere to motivate you and set you on a path to success.

Yet, when we focus too much on the end result vs the actionable steps it’ll need to take to get there, we are often left struggling to get anywhere.

Here are some reasons why shifting your focus from results to processes will help you actually achieve those results.

Processes are in your control.

It’s safe to say that many things in life are out of our control. If these past two years weren’t the major example of that then I don’t know what is! For example, if you have a goal of fitting into a particular dress, but all you’re focused on is fitting into that dress then when you don’t immediately achieve that goal it can be such a bummer and let down.

Instead, if you focus on the healthy actions that you can take, you’re more likely to feel in control because you can make them easily achievable. It’s a lot easier to focus on getting to three exercise classes a week because you can give yourself an easy win when you do it. The more wins you have, the more you’ll feel in control and able to continue to keep up those healthy habits and behaviors.

You can be more engaged in the present and consequently feel less stressed.

These days we have so much going on and so many distractions in our way. There’s social media and kids’ sports and work functions that pop up. It can be difficult to take a pause and focus on the present. It is easier to stay focused and less distracted when we stick to the healthy habits we can track and see. Instead of the mindset, “I really wish I would eat healthier,” plan your day and focus on steps you can track. “I will eat a vegetable with each meal.”

When you keep your focus on those healthy processes then you’re more likely to be present in the now vs dreaming of the future or stuck in the past.

Here’s how to take those actionable steps so you reach your goals…

Now that you know why focusing on processes vs results can help you achieve your goals, here’s what that can look like…

Block off time in your calendar each week for at least 15 minutes to plan out your healthy habits… those healthy processes that you are going to focus on each week.

Is it to spend an hour meal prepping so you have healthy meals ready to go? Or is it investing in a healthy meal delivery service like My Chef so you have some go to meals when you are strapped for time? If could even be as simple as adding in an extra cup of vegetables a day to your diet.

When it comes to your exercise, you can aim for at least 4 workouts a week or even make it a goal to move everyday of the week in some capacity.

Then, don’t just think about those processes, write them down!

Add them to your calendar or any place that you check everyday. You can even grab an accountability partner and share those processes with them so they are there to push you and motivate you to get them done.

Fall is just about here. A new season is a great opportunity to shift your mindset, pick up those healthy habits and fall back into fitness. If you need some guidance, we are here for you. Sign up for your VIP call today!

Haven’t tried class yet? Now is the perfect time to start! Grab a free week on us and start finding your mix TODAY.


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