Three Key Ingredients that Make the Remix Method Work

Could you guess what the biggest struggle people face when it comes to exercise?

If you guessed time, you’d be right. Lack of motivation came in a close second.

If you often feel like you’re running around and simply have not even a single minute left in the day for a workout, you are not alone. Most people struggle to find the time to workout. Our schedules are jammed packed with meetings, kids’ after-school activities, get togethers and more.


What about lack of motivation? ​

You may realize that it’s not necessarily a lack of time, but a shift in priority when it comes to your health and wellness. It’s not about having time, it’s about making time for the things that are important. Yet, so often finding the motivation for a workout can be a struggle for so many.

Despite all these struggles so many face, there is good news!

There are three key ingredients that can make the difference when you are struggling to find the time to make it work and/or trying to find that inner push to actually make your health a priority.

Three Key Ingredients that Make the Remix Method Work

At Remix, we understand the struggles so many face because we have faced it ourselves.

We’ve been there trying to motivate ourselves to workout or finding the time to make it all work. That’s why we’ve put together a strategy for making Remix a gym you can not only get in shape, but, more importantly, stay in shape.


Think about a little experiment you could set up for yourself. Imagine you left a bowl of your favorite candy out on the counter for a week. Then the following week, you put out a bowl of your favorite fruit. Which week do you think you’d eat more candy? What about the fruit? When things are readily accessible, we are more likely to get them done. If you have plenty of options to workout, you are more likely to be able to get it done instead of trying to fit a workout into your schedule.

At Remix, we offer accessibility. We have the largest live virtual schedule around so you can work out wherever you are. We offer a large collection of on-demand classes, so if you miss a class you can jump in whenever you need. We also offer a ton of classes at the studio, so you can always find a time that works. Not to mention we’ve got childcare for parents out there needing someone to watch your child while you workout.

2. Variety

Think back to that bowl of fruit you left on the counter. Imagine all you ate day in and day out was that fruit. Not only would you be missing out on a ton of important nutrients and vitamins, but you’ll also eventually get bored eating the same thing over and over again. The same thing happens with exercise. If you want to keep getting stronger and achieve results, then you need to mix up your routine and gradually progress. It’s also important to mix things up for your mind, so you don’t get bored. If you start to get bored, then you’ll start to lose motivation and may even eventually give it up altogether.

At Remix, variety is what we do. Our name is Remix for a reason- we mix it up, so you can keep challenging your body and keep seeing results. On our schedule you’ll find over 30 different types of classes and we’ll continue to add and throw in fun pop-ups to keep your mind and your body guessing.

3. Accountability

Last week we shared that those who work out on their own on average worked out for twice as long and saw less benefits than those who worked out in a group setting. Accountability may be the reason. It’s very difficult for many of us to be self motivated. Instead, with a group setting, you are surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who will push you to reach your potential so you continue to stick with it and see those results.

At Remix, we are all about community and welcoming all no matter what level. We put a huge focus in making you feel welcomed, supported and comfortable walking through our doors or pressing that play button. We offer one-on-ones before class to walk you through stepping into class and all of our instructors pride themselves on offering levels and modifications for all.

With these three components- accessibility, variety and accountability- Remix is better able to help you achieve results, make connections and find your mix. You’ll not only be able to get in shape, but stay in shape if you fully embrace MIXING it up as a way of life. Want help to get started? Sign up for a free VIP call with Mary Cate and Tricia and they’ll walk you through overcoming any struggles you may have so you can become the healthiest you!


How To Get the Most Out of Your Remix Membership


Why Working Out in a Group Can Help Get You Results